Monday, May 30, 2016

Where’ve I Been?

Not that a whole lot ever happened to me on a regular basis, but that never stopped me from blogging about the trivial stuff back in the day. I don’t have many followers and that’s okay. I wrote because I enjoyed the writing even if it wasn’t very interesting or if it was a little silly. It was fun. I miss it. Every now and then, I’ll glance at the computer behind me and think I should turn it on and write a blog…. Then, I go back to zombie mode in front of the TV. I really gotta work on that.
So, where’ve I been? Here… I’m always here. Maybe not on the computer here, but still alive and haven’t moved. I wish we could move, but that might require a winning lottery ticket. :-P I haven’t done much. The mental To-Do list grows with all these little projects to organize the house, the computer, or my life. But I can’t seem to find my damn Round Tuit. Instead, I watch a lot of TV. Mom and I watch way too many shows and I have a bad habit of having show marathons….well for my favorite shows anyway. :-P Also I’ve done a good job of collecting stuff. When we move, I will need soooooo many boxes. :-P
I know I had more to say when I left Compy on for the purpose of blogging….but after the flurry of activity that usually follows Daddy Day (putting away groceries/stuff, changing into comfy clothes, blah blah), I seem to have forgotten what else I was going to add in this post. Ah well… Have I mentioned I’m more forgetful these days? I’m going to blame TV vidiot disease. :-P Time to get my brain working again. Sudoku puzzles… Words with Friends…. WRITING!

Wish me luck!

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