Sunday, July 24, 2011

Maybe Ready....

So Friday, I was looking up bus schedules for the theater (or trying to as MTA couldn't find the address I gave it) and Mom heard me grumbling. She questioned where I was going and I told her to the movies. She asked when and I told her I was thinking about Monday or Wednesday (which now that I think about it, I couldn't have done cuz of the dumb eye appointment :-P ). She asked if it could wait til like Friday cuz she had it off and....cuz SHE WANTS TO GO. Really? She says she's been thinking about it for a while. And that's why she'd like to start walking (only we're both knuckleheads who keep forgetting to go before it gets dark) and she wants to get out some. So... I didn't ask her this time. She said she wasn't ready last time we tried. So maybe this time? We'll see. If not I guess Transformers 3 can wait until the following Monday. And if we do make it, she even suggested seeing the last Harry Potter movie. That we really will have to see... Movie tickets ain't cheap and we always want popcorn and soda. As is this time, I have that free ticket. :-D

Slept at night and woke at 10am for the second time today...yesterday. Mom and I watched the first three Indiana Jones movies. We'll have to watch the newest one Monday after work. Going to go mimi even earlier tonight (aka in a couple hours at the latest). Like after I finish blogging then go wash dishes and other pre-bed chores. Shoulda started them sooner actually, but I do so love to procrastinate and I was kinda sluggish. :-P Ah well... Anywho, off I go or else I'll be up in time to feed the kids and I dun wanna be.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I've stayed up ALL day and night at least three times in the past week and a half. Why? No reason. Day just got later and later as I was too busy goofing off online or watching TV or whatever and some days I just don't feel like going to bed at 2-3pm and waking up at actual night time. I can't say I'm really proud of myself for doing it. I dunno what happened. I always stay up way too late. But it's gotten way worse. And you'd think after a weekend of waking early due to outings or whatnot that it should be easy to maintain a reasonable sleep schedule, but I muck it up every single time. Le sigh. Anywho, I'm still up today, and while I "napped" yesterday before So You Think You Can Dance was on (which I still overslept for), I will chance it for tonight's episode. I do have to try hard to go to bed before dawn at the latest, I mean geesh. My excuse used to be to feed the kids so Mom didn't have to bend over to put their bowls down and hurt her back more, but they eat at 430am now. We'll see how it goes. I'm going to really try though. And I do have some incentives... Since Dad's working Saturday, I was gonna see if Mom was game for a movie marathon. Sunday's a possible Daddy Day IF he will cooperate!!! :-P And I still want to try and catch Transformers 3 before it leaves the theater. Now that means bussing to and fro and that has to be during daylight hours. So I figured I'd aim for Monday or Wednesday for that since it's too late this week... So NOT doing movies during busier times like weekends. Yick.

Friend of mine showed me a site to write articles online for money. Not a lot of money, but it's not a lot of writing either with two days to do it in. But while I signed up, I didn't do the test article to see if my writing's good enough. I looked at the assignment as if I were looking at some foreign language. It's been almost a decade since I last looked at HOMEWORK and that's exactly what it looked like. I felt so incredibly stupid. Like what the heck was I supposed to write about? Did I have to do research for this? Cuz $5-6 is so not enough to cover research time and writing. Maybe if the topics were interesting. I'll give it a shot. Incoming funds is incoming funds. Stupid sleeping schedule aside, I wish I had a regular job already. I wish I had that motivation I had when I was working. I wish I could make my lazy ass DO something about that. But until I stop being crazy lazy stupid, I'll have to give this content current thing a serious try.

Finally made an eye appointment after YEARS of putting it off. I go to this low vision clinic at an optometry school. Now cuz of my legally blind status, I got the eye care for free.... I really should not have put off that appointment. But I used to go yearly due to the excessive eye strain while in school or the need to replace glasses or the combo of the two. And as that wasn't the case until recently, I put it off. Also, they gave me REALLY long exams and thorough evaluations or whatever as I was apparently a good learning case for the students. Anywho, hours of eye exams is sooo exhausting and eye straining that I dread it every time. But I finally need new glasses (mostly cuz mine are fairly scratched to the point of distraction now) and can no longer put it off. I should not have waited though because California's budget has gotten crappier and crappier. I survived the monthly income checks being shaved off here and there over the past few years. But I had no idea they cut my eye care. Now I only have basic medical coverage I guess.... How do you cut eye care for a legally blind person???? I shudder to think how seriously blind people are coping! Anyway.... to go to the same eye clinic (and cuz they always gave me GREAT glasses and stuff I need to) it'll cost $165 just for a basic eye exam! Geesh. Of course I have no idea how much those things go for normally and what all that'll entail. But we'll see. Gotta do what I gotta do I guess... Appointment's next Wednesday, wish me luck.

On a not so insane note... Daddy sent me flowers!!!! :-D Okay he sent them two weeks ago (wow time flies!) and I meant to blog it then, but I did Facebook it... Anywho, after two weeks they still look pretty good! :-D Not gonna take a new pic now tho to prove it, cuz I'm lazy and tired and so here's a pic I took like a day after I got them (not that anyone hasn't seen them by now cuz you all are mostly on fb and see the pic as my profile pic :-P ):

Anywho... Time to go wake myself up with a shower... I'll take a nap (though not laying down on super comfy bed cuz I won't wake in time) later I'm sure...or nod while vegging in front of TV or comp. But anywho! Toodles doodles!