Sunday, November 29, 2009

They Make Me Smile

I love old movies. I used to watch AMC (American Movie Classics cable channel) and TCM (Turner Classic Movies cable channel) whenever there was nothing on TV. And now and then, I would end up watching these wonderful gems, like Bachelor Mother (1939) or Bringing Up Baby (1938). They're just so cute and fun to watch.

I was checking the TV guide for any Christmas movies that might be on and it looks like The Shop Around the Corner (1940) is on tonight. :) I saw the Judy Garland musical remake first.. Well actually I saw the Tom Hanks' You've Got Mail first. But I like Jimmy Stewart in the Shop better. :)

Anywho, before I go on and on about other old movies I like, I'm going to finish watching Bachelor Mother on YouTube. :P


Mom and I watched the new Star Trek movie tonight. I saw it with Dad last weekend, but I wanted to see it again. :D As you may have guessed, I really enjoyed it. I was SO sad when I thought the franchise might be dead....stupid Enterprise series... And after looking something up on IMDb, it looks like there may be a sequel in the works too! YAY! Whether they keep making a bunch of films on the one crew or branch out, I care not. So long as they just keep making Trek films and or shows, I'll be a happy camper.

Man, I remember watching the original series as a little kid. I can't actually watch it now. It's just too weird to watch the funny acting in those horrible sets. :P But at like 10 I was hooked on the Next Gen. series. Some of their earlier episodes are funny to watch too. :P After seeing all the improvements that film and TV's made it's just silly to see the old old school stuff. Hehe... Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to collect it all some day. Voyager is still my favorite series.

After seeing the new movie, I think I'll have myself a Trek marathon. I've never seen ALL the Trek movies. Shocking, I know. But now that I own 'em, I will have to watch them. :) And I do have chunks of the Next Gen. series on tapes back when the only way to collect TV series' was through Columbia House. And I have seasons 1 and 2 of Voyager. So yeah. I could have myself a really good week long marathon, if I wanted. Maybe I'll save it for Mom's next four day weekend. Help distract her from the holiday.

I love this song.... :P This isn't the official video but the other ones I didn't care for as much... So enjoy the giggle. :D

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tra la

I woke up REALLY early this morning.. 430am.... Okay, I slept for 12 hours before that due to not sleeping for two nights (days) in a row. Well no, I did have a 2-3 hour nap on Wednesday. And then I finally crashed at like 330-4pm yesterday, after Mom told me for the third or fourth time to go to bed. :P

It's weird that I woke up right at 430 though. That's the time I needed to be up if I wanted to call Dad for his wake up call. I didn't even set an alarm for it. :) I had lots of weird dreams. Dreams I wished I'd remembered to write down. I think alot of my dreams would make cool stories if I'd only remember to write them down. Ah well.

After talking to Dad for a bit, I got up and did the usual morning routine. Then I got all productive. It was too early to hop in the shower (cuz then I'd come out to the cold and I'm still getting over being sick and I didn't wanna risk it. :P). So instead, I cleaned the kitchen. Fed the kids. Filled water bottles for the freezer. Cleaned the bathroom. Tidied the living room and put away stuff. Cleaned the dining table. Folded laundry.

I took a break after all that... Got online. Mom was still asleep, so I didn't want to mess up the bathroom til she got a chance to see it clean. Did my usual net stuff while talking to Steven for a couple hours. :P

Then finally took a shower and got productive again. Folded the stuff from the dryer. Started more laundry. Changed the sheets on my bed. Tidied up my room, including some minor dusting. Put away stuff in my room, cuz like I had tapes ALL over the place. Then I FINALLY stopped being lazy about making myself some food.

Yep, yep, yep.. Been a productive day. Earlier I was thinking. This all was what I'd call half-assed cleaning compared to what I usually do before decorating for Christmas. And the lazy part of me was pushing me off the indecisive fence I'm on about it. But after the lil convo I just had with Mom, the decisions been made for me. I won't be decorating this year. Le sigh.

Soooo.... I'm going to see if I can't send some Christmas cards. I'm not going to go all crazy and send them to every aunt, uncle, and cousin I have an address for...just the people I talk to or I'm thinking about. I'll be stealing from the stamp fund, but oh well.

I wish I had the extra to get people gifts. Not everyone. I've never been that crazy. But you know those closest to you. As is, the only one to get a gift of any kind is my friend up north. And that's only because I bought my two best friends a non-occassion gift and then I didn't get a chance to see her when she visited this past summer.

Yesterday was just another day for us. Nana apparently made Pecan Pies even though she wasn't going to do anything for Thanksgiving. I guess since my Unclde David and fam. were supposed to come up and visit yesterday, she felt she HAD to make them. She made one for them and one for us, but Mom was too sleepy to go pick it up. And Nana was too bummed that David cancelled or postponed the visit til today so she ddn't want to drop it off. If my uncle DID make it to her house today, I imagine she'll have him drop it off for her on his way home. As it's almost 330pm and it's a 2 hour drive for him to go home, I figure we'll find out if he came soon enough.

Mmmmm.... This started out positive... Maybe I should have talked to Mom AFTER I finished blogging.... Ah well...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Smile! You'll live longer...

The movie worked. Brought a smile to my face and I can feel a hint of the old holiday elf wanting out. One of my fave Christmas movies is on tonight, I may watch it. The Christmas List. And I am probably gonna change my ringtone to the holiday one I got last year. Still debating on actually decorating, but we'll see.

Dad came over for dinner tonight. He brought pizza.... Mmmmmmmm.... I'd been DYING for pizza for ages and it was delish! Don't tell anyone, but he's napping on my bed right now. Poor Daddy. :) I'd take a pic, but for some reason people don't like it when ya snap photos of them sleeping. :P I hope the nap does him good. And my bed is much comfier than his...well I'd imagine as mine's newer.

I stayed up all night, no surprise. But most of the night I was busy moving my blogs. I finished. All the blogs I wrote and kept at Myspace have now found their new home here on Blogger. Had to move them manually, as neither Myspace or Blogger had a cooperative export/import option. But I'm happy now. I can close my Myspace account now.

And now.... for another slice of pizza and my Christmas movie. :D

Holiday Ho-hums

So, Thursday is Thanksgiving Day and officially kicks off the whole holiday season. As with last year, we will not be doing any family gathering/celebrating. Mom wasn't into it last year. Well she hasn't been into it since Tata's passing. She REALLY isn't into it this year, with my brother's passing. I dunno.. I'm fine with the not doing anything special for Thanksgiving. It's been ages since the day was anything more than just the obligatory family visiting with so-so Thanksgiving food. Don't get me wrong, there's still a great deal I am thankful for....just not enough to put me in a mood to care about Turkey Day.

Thanksgiving is one thing. But I'm on the fence about Christmas. It has always been my favorite time of year. The happy holiday movies. The cheery holiday songs. The decorations. Festive transformation of Disneyland. The general holiday spirit. While I decorated for me and recorded every Christmas movie that aired on TV mostly for me... I just dunno whether or not I feel up to it or not this year. I mean I know the lazy side of me is trying to say, don't decorate. But beyond that.... I know Mom and Dad won't be in the holiday mood and I understand cuz part of me isn't... But part of me wants to be. I just don't want to decorate or do something to get caught up in the spirit of the holidays and maybe make them sad cuz they aren't and/or can't be.

Being sick may have spoiled my chances at getting my Christmas Disneyland visit. Had to cancel on that due the stupid cold. >.< And my poor Issi is so busy from now until the holidays, so even if she wanted to she may not have the time. And even if she wanted to and had the time, I'd hate to steal what may be one rare moment for her to breathe and relax. Nana's been dying to go for years. She keeps bringing up that we (Mom and I) and Uncle David and fam. all go with her to Dis. But Uncle David's not rich, his kids are still on the too young side (or at least one or two of three of them), and Mom doesn't even want to go. I told Mom maybe I'd suggest to Nana that just she and I go. Not overly ideal for me, as the chances are she'll drive me a little nutty. :P But Nana would proabably love it; and if this past year has taught me anything, it is to cherish the time with family while they're still here.

Alright... I think I'm going to watch a Christmas movie. It was on TV last weekend or so but I missed it. Luckily, I was able to get it from Dad's Rental Shop. It sounded good considering the mood I was in about the holidays.....

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (2008) (TV)
From's Product Details (since Yahoo! TV Listings cuts off the description):
Five-time Emmy nominee and Golden Globe winner Henry Winkler stars in The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, the story of what happens when you open your heart to the power of Christmas. Disenchanted single mom Jennifer Cullen (Brooke Burns) is a Scroogette when it comes to anything Christmas. In fact, even her six-year-old son, Brian, is having trouble believing in Santa Claus. But when her Uncle Ralph (Henry Winkler) visits and brings a fellow passenger from his flight named Morgan Derby (Warren Christie), Jennifer s dubious heart awakens to the possibility that perhaps Christmas really does hold miracles. It s uplifting and laugh-packed and a story that will inspire the whole family to believe.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breath of Fresh Air

Yep, I finally made it out for fresh air. After spending the whole day and night out of bed yesterday, I got to leave the house today (er yesterday as it's tomorrow now)! Okay so it was only to run a few errands and I had to whisper most of the time, but still! Dad took me out for our usual fun and games while running errands. :D And since I made it that far, I'm going to play again tomorrow (er today).

Got some cough drops to hopefully keep the lingering coughing fits to a minimum. I was desperate before and looked up home/natural remedies... People are SO weird. One said to cut a lemon in half, put salt and pepper in/on it, and then hold in your mouth til the coughing is suppressed... o.0 What???? I'm hoping I read it wrong. It was late at night. If not... How the hell did someone come up with that one! I like licking salted lemons.. and I'll even stick a wedge in my mouth (minus the rine), but half??? all in my mouth??? Uhh... So yay for cough drops. :D

K.. I have a RP post to finish, a few dishes to wash, litter to tidy, and my butt to get in bed! Okay, so I woulda finished all this had I not been distracted by a movie. :P

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Being Sick Sucks

Last Friday, I woke up feeling fine. Dad came over. We all had some yummy KFC. Got on the comp. to check e-mail later on. Started to feel pressure in my ears. My left ear often feels like I'm going up to higher altitudes, so I dismissed it. Made plans to go to Disneyland all last minute like for the next day. Went to watch a movie with Mom. I had a headache along with that pressure in my head by the end of the movie. Did some more come stuff on the computer. Combined with what I thought were change-of-season-allergy symptoms and the headache, I realised I was sick.

While Mom had said to make sure to bundle up for Dis, I knew I couldn't risk getting Issi sick. I cancelled. :( Turned out to be a good thing... The headache was there all day. I felt completely drained and generally crappy. As I was sick, I couldn't go hang with Dad on Sunday either. :( I tell ya, this cold/flu thing may have been overdue (I usually get one a year and I haven't for a couple years), but man did it have the worst timing. No Dis with Issi. No Dad Sunday which may or may not have included a movie like at a theatre. Not to mention the errands that needed running. Mom too was a little sick. So she had to cancel a needed dental appointment. And no Target Tusday....

Tuesday was REAL fun.... Fever chills... I can't remember the last time I had a fever so bad that it actually caused me to shiver under mounds of blankets. Didn't have a thermameter to check my temp. though (may have lost in in the last move or two). But we know it was high. It was barely going down by Wednesday when Dad brought over a new thermameter. 100.3° F.... Dad thankfully went and did some shopping for me... Sick person supplies: soups, juices, more meds, crackers, and fruit. And some things we were running out of too.

Anywho.... It's Friday night now (or Saturday EARLY morning technically). Fever's been gone for a couple days. Ever present headache's been gone for most of a couple days. Still coughing, though not as much. The coughing fits are shorter and fewer. And I'm not as tired. Wouldn't go running around yet, but I can, y'know, sit up for more than a few hours at a stretch. Which is great. After a week of mostly sleeping off Nyquil comas, I am SO sick of my room. Hence me being out here writing this way too long blog about my lovely week.... :P

Now that I got that out of my system on to other net related activities... My Utopia province is in dire need of tending. My role play forum in sore need of attention. And as I have no voice, I may as well enjoy all the net talking I can get away with before my next Nyquil dose.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's a small world....

Okay, so everytime I go out and about with my Dad, he almost always runs into someone he knows. Through his job, he meets alot of people. You're bound to run into people now and then.... Heck, even the cashier at Target today recognized us. Noticed that he buys alot of moves. :P Well okay, when ya go to a store every week and buy movies, I guess people notice. :P

But I guess running into people he actually knows isn't enough... We were driving to Target and he thought he recognized someone in the car next to us. :P It wasn't, but still... I thought it was funny... "I've seen you somewhere... Have you been to the planet Earth?" :P


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Obsessions... Or Addictions....?

Okay... So I'm addicted to Sudoku... First week I got the books, I did like 26 puzzles in one week. Granted they were mostly one star puzzles and a couple two star puzzles, but still. I took a week off, just so I didn't go through them so fast. Not sure that was a smart move. I lost my stride or something. First one I did this week took several hours and I believe that included starting over once. Second one... Oy.... MUCH longer.

It's just a two star. Shouldn't be that difficult, right? But for some reason, I kept making the same mistakes over and over and over. I got to a mostly done point before realizing the same error each time. I had to erase the whole thing three times before I finally decided to try something else. To prevent wearing the page so thin the puzzle on the other side disappeared as well as my pencil marks, I drew a grid on a piece of scratch paper and filled it in with permanent marker to match the one in the book. Poor man's photo copy. :P Anyway. The paper was stronger so IF I had to erase a million more times it could take it. :P I finally had to resort to finding the error using the answer key... Le sigh. Up til last night, I'd never even needed the answer key. Still not sure why I kept making the same error. Hopefullly I'll fair better next puzzle. But just in case, I made grid templates to print for practicing or long trial and error sessions.

Also, I've started up playing an old game of mine. Utopia. Yeah, I was pretty addicted to it. Server downtimes made us all nuts. And it seems the game's been taken over by another company or something and they moved the game over to a beta server or something (I don't follow the tech lingo well). Anyway... The age just restarted and we've spent more of it with downed server time and major laggage than actually playing. Sucks, cuz we're supposed to be managing our provinces and getting ready for Out of Protection normal game play and all of us are freaking out. Yeah, I've realized my old addiction is just as strong now. I find I check to see if the game is up once or twice a night at least.

I am closing the door of another old addiction. Myspace. I already stripped the page of most of the content and friends. As soon as I finish moving the old blog posts to this blog, then I will be deleting that account. Lots of work though. I think I still have another 50 blog posts to go, and I have to move 'em manually cuz Blogger and Myspace didn't want to play nice for me. Ah well, it was fun seeing some of the old stuff I put up. Like a bunch of pics of an itty bitty Pixie... Shame she grew up. Well most of her. We're still waiting on that head to catch up to her body. :P

Okay... I'm sleepy... NAP TIME! Toodles Doodles!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


My flowers have bloomed so lovely. And did I mention they smell so good? I've discovered that Yellow and White roses smell the best. And I think I did a smidge better at arranging the flowers. Okay, so I'm still not Martha Stewart, but Mom said I did okay. And there were fewere holes on the other side. :P

I took the loose petals off.. Actually instructions told me to take the outer ones off when I got them, but I didn't. So I took the loose petals off and they looked so purdy and still healthy, so I wrapped 'em in a veil scarf thing I had from who knows where. Made a lil sack and tied 'em off. It smells pretty and I tucked it in a drawer. Well I hated to toss away the pretty petals!

So far, I've kept the furry babies from getting at the flowers. And boy, has Oreo tried! Pixie wanted one of my loose petals, but I didn't want her chewing on it...y'know in case it was bad for them? Can't be too careful when it comes to my babies.

Anyway, I took these pics yesterday after I changed their water. :)

Since I had my camera out I thought 'I'll take pics of my babies', but of course neither one was doing anything particularly cute. Well, kinda cute. They were both in the same poses. Like always. They're almost always in the same position even in separate rooms. It's kinda funny.

Pixie on the edge of Mom's bed....

Oreo on the edge of my bed...

They're still cute. :P Even if they are oddly pyschicly linked to sit/lay the same way ALL the time. :P

Dad came over for dinner. He brought some deliscious Greek Sub sandwiches. Numnumnum.... After dindin, he tried to explain how football works. I don't think I'll ever follow it. WAY too much to follow. I'm used to the simplicity in baseball, and even that I don't follow. :P If I'm not playing the sport or emotionally invested in the players in the sport (ie...actors in a movie), I'm not hugely interested in watching sports. They're like ants on a field most times. Or like Gum-ball-ism, they're just tiny toys in those gumball machines. Too small to keep track of.

We actually saw kids out Trick or  Treating tonight! Yep, as Dad was leaving, there were a bunch of kids that knocked on our neighbor's door. They seemed to know, we weren't handing anything out even though our light was on. Smart kids. ;) I don't even have candy for ME, like I'd give them anything. :P I neglected to look at their costumes, bummer....

Ah, well.. The only Trick or Treater I care about this year is short and plushy and cute as can be! :D