Friday, March 28, 2008

Poker Night

Soooo... For the first time in my life I went to a Poker Night! Last Friday, my best friend hosted Poker Night at her place. Lots of folks were invited, so I thought sure I’ll go and watch.... I don’t ...didn’t... know how to play anyway. With so many people there, I could have fun watching and general socializing. Didn’t work that way....

Of the eleven people who said they’d be there (including the hostess, her boyfriend who had no choice , and me), only two others showed up. The rest cancelled lil by lil.... turds.... And even they showed up an hour late.... Worked for me... Had some practice rounds... a.k.a. teach the Carisa how to play Texas hold ’em.

It’s a fun game... I’m sure had we played with real money, I’d have lost way more than I’d ever gain. Let’s just say... Gambling will likely never be something I’m good at... Cards... Slots.. Nada...

Jenny (I think that was her name) and Kevin both claimed they hadn’t played before.... Okay... Jenny might not have as she was asking questions all night... But Kevin said he’d watched alot on TV... I’m thinking he was understating his TV watching. He was doing far better than the rest of us... Even helped explain bits of the game to Jenny...

Amidst all the game playing we had all the snacks and drinks we could possibly want... cuz poor Issi was expecting at least 11 people.... And these were gooooood snacks too. Snackage I’m sure I would have eaten more of had I not eaten dinner.

ANYWHO! The game playing was all fun, win or lose... It was all in fun with no real money since I’m poor and 2 of us were really just learning. Good thing too cuz I would have lost the farm two or three times over. Yep that includes chips I got from Issi to keep me playing... As she lost, I’m sure she wishes she hadn’t given em to me.

Highlights... At one point, the stakes were high... it was down to 2-3 people.... Jenny and Kevin being two of them. To match Kevin’s raise, Jenny had to go all in and still was 10 short... Not wanting her to back off, Kevin gave her 10 of his... to "help" her. I said he did it cuz he knew they were going right back to him. And I’m pretty sure he really thought they were going back to him... But Jenny won! And in her cute and innnocent voice, she asked, "do you want your chips back?" Oh, we were all laughing for a GOOD long while after that and the line was said many times just to refresh our memories throughout the night. If you don’t see the humor in it... I guess ya had to be there.... But man was it funny!

Jenny, Kevin, and Chrissi are all classmates in a therapy program. They’ve been classmates since the start of the program. Chrissi pointed out that the line was right up there with Robert’s (I -theeenk- it was Robert) line. Andrew musta heard the story before, but I hadn’t so I asked. And mnd you, this is told WAY better in person and by Chrissi.....

So one of their classes covered therapy in suicide situations. They were taught not to dance around the question of whether or not the person wanted to commit suicide. So they went around play acting situations and they’d have to act like real therapists. Come Robert’s turn, the instructor or a classmate gives him the schpiel as a patient. He asks, "are you planning to hurt yourself.... OR better yeeettt... kill yourself." In trying to correct himself in front of the instructor he had the whole class roaring with laughter. Issi said, he’s never been able to live the line down even after all these years. Hopefully it helps him not to make the mistake if he was ever really in such a situation.

After a few hours of playing, it was late. Jenny and Kevin got there at 8... so yeah it was late. Kevin won most of the chips and certainly most of the high end chips. After they left, Chrissi and Andrew took me home... They hadn’t slept. That was fine... The night was fun, I was getting kinda sleepy too, and I had already figured they’d drop me off after the others left.

In the future, when I’m not as brokeded... it’ll be fun to play for real money. Of course I won’t get as many chips as we got that night (split em amonst the five of us since no real money ), but it should still be fun to see if I can win... I’ll just have to pul out before I lose too much.

NOTE: I started this like 6hrs ago... Stopped to watch movies.... Now I’m sleepy and while it all made sense in my head, not so sure if it does to the rest of you. And here’s a sign you’ve been playing Vampires! A Dark Alleyway too much, you spell Kevin with an "a" instead of an "i". I had to go and change all the Kevan’s to Kevin.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Laundry Room.....

How can people be so frelling inconsiderate???

144 apartments... 3 laundry rooms... 4 washers and 4 dryers in each... I get that that’s not enough machines. I get that some people save ALL their laundry for the last frelling minute when they have nothing but Halloween costumes or prom dresses to wear.... Even though I think that’s frelling retarded to wait so long.... I get that people do it. That still doesn’t mean they have to forget about their neighbors when doing laundry!

I try not to use all four machines at once even if I have 5-6 loads of laundry to wash that I’d really like to finish all at once. I never use more than 2 machines at any one time. Why? So my other neighbors can do at least SOME of their laundry. When moving laundry over, unless I’m in the laundry room alone, I pull it all out as quickly as I can and sort later. Why? So I don’t make my other neighbors wait an eternity to get theirs started. In fact, I move FASTER when I see someone waiting.

All that said.... Tonight I saw my fellow neighbors being as inconsiderate as they possibly could! I walk in and all four machines are being used by the same woman. I know cuz she was in there putting in softener. Okay fine.. Not the first time. I’ll come back later....

Finally get my two loads washed. Yay, small accomplishment. I’m emptying one machine and sorting as I go, cuz I’m in there alone and stalling for someone to empty a dryer. No go, cuz someone else came in carrying a bundle of clothes. So I quickly finish emptying at least one machine so she can start washing, followed quickly by the second one. Waited around for a little bit, but decide to carry both heavy wet loads back... Some of the stuff was hang dry only anyway.

Come back with the sheets to get dried... All dryers are going or being filled... One was being filled by the woman I had emptied a washer for.... But she was doing it soooo slowly. Okay.. no biggie to me right? I was done washing. But then a guy comes in to wash. And missy miss is still pulling out one item at a time sorting between basket or dryer.... ONE AT A TIME.... And I kid you not, it was like a frelling clown car scene... Never thought I’d see an end to the amount of clothes that came out of that washer.... But hey, what did she care, right? Nevermind the guy waiting to wash. I almost said something... Like...."Hey, can you hurry up? This guy’s waiting.. You know.. Kinda like you were waiting for me? And -I- hurried up for YOU."

Pfft.. whatever.. I got tired of waiting for someone to empty a dryer... Returned to find someone emptying one. Yay!..... Sorta... The older woman was taking her sweet ass time folding each thing she pulled out of the dryer. Why do that! Fold your frelling laundry at home! or pull it all out and fold it after. So fine.. I’m waiting and waiting... How much can she have in there... Another woman with a flock of children comes in to empty another dryer... Hmmm... which one will get emptied first... But soon as she saw me waiting, she slowed down ans started folding her laundry too! WTF!? Fine..... Older chick finished and I QUICKLY threw my laundry in and started the frelling machine...

What the frell is wrong with people! Ugh.... Sorry for the rant... Call it a pet peeve of mine... Inconsiderate people in general.. but especially laundry room etiquette.. or lack there of.....