Friday, December 17, 2004

Christmas Light Hang-ups

It is a week til Christmas and my Christmas lights have yet to go up (and stay up successfully)... I've pretty much given up on the outdoor lights... Needed a ladder, which then means I need someone who is used to using said ladder safely or someone to catch me ifn I go up cuz we all know I think I am a freakin acrobat when it comes to decorating. I needed a special staple gun or special staples. The guy at the store looked at me like I was from Mars when I told him this... I guess he never had to hang lights. Okay, so I buy a special tape that will stick to the slick paint on our apartment walls to hang the indoor lights on the windows. I put them up yesterday, and they've fallen twice. For today, I think I will not worry about them.. Maybe I will try again on Monday and use them funny plastic hooks with nails, ya know the kind they use to hide cable cord along the walls. But then part of me still says, they will be up for only one week now. And we haven't even gotten our tree yet... Yeah, Christmas is not going to be the same at all. Not even certain we will have our usual Christmas Eve get together thing either.... Yeah I think I will stop now before I depress myself... Christmas music is soo going to play on now, cuz I need that cheer.....