Okay. I've tried writing three or four times about what's going on here and each time I either got too sleepy to continue and make any sense or I got distracted...probably by one of the furry ones I was gonna write about. I've since forgotten some of the details, but then you didn't really want to know the blow by blow did ya? :-P
Torture First
Two and a half weeks ago, we finally did it. We lured two of the kittens in during breakfast feeding time by snatching them when they stuck their heads under the partially opened screen door to get at the food. MiniMe was easier. Kumquat who'd been caught once before got wise, but the draw of food brought him in reach anyway. We had an early appointment at the vets to get them checked but they remained in the carrier for a couple hours with little to munch on. I don't remember if they cried during the drive the way Oreo and Pixie do.
Vet said they were 3-4 months and pretty well fed. So HA to my mother who insists on telling me to feed them more and when she feeds them overfeeds leaving plenty of food for the flies. >.< No worms. No FIV or leukemia. Whew. Vet techs said they were a lil too mean (scared) to risk bathing them...couldn't put themselves at risk. Le sigh. Mom and I tackled the chore ourselves. Poor babies. Bathed with real wet water and then dosed with flea meds. The did have stick-tight fleas? We did see some of them while bathing and got them off but we trusted the flea meds to do the rest as the vet said it'd kill em.
Then as if that weren't torture enough.... We quarantined them in the laundry room for a few days while flea meds did their job and to ensure they figured out the litter box and to allow them to slowly acclimate to being inside. But I visited them often and played with them.
New Home and New Family
Oreo, of course, accepted the new babies immediately. He wasn't as loving with them as he was with Pixie, but then she was alone and these two have each other. Pixie still gets jealous, but she's very recently accepted them as well. She gives them love...sometimes... and started playing with them this week! :-D The kittens have gotten used to the house and apart from bedroom closets (even though they're always left open) go anywhere and everywhere. They even sleep on our beds with the older babies or me. :-) Kumquat even tried to jump onto the hutch (from the table nearby) but was unsuccessful....I missed it, but Mom says he leapt and smacked right into the glass door and slid down very cartoon style. Live and learn, I guess, cuz he hasn't tried again.
(And there I go getting distracted by the kittens again... :-P )
Every morning the two of them (and now sometimes Pixie) run all over the living room and house in general, but mostly the front room, and chase each other and tumble over each other. It's hilarious. They knock over their "playhouse" (a series of tunnels and cubes we had for Oreo and Pixie), run up and down the couch and knock over the pillows there, and they seem to throw their own bodies at each other and onto the floor with such loud thuds for such tiny creatures. :-P I call it the Morning MiniMe and Kumquat show.
Other News
Mom noticed Spumoni looked pregnant again sometime towards the end of last week or this weekend. >.< Makes me feel guilty. Originally the plan was to take the two inside and the rest to the shelter over the following week. But between the torture sessions and Mom's increasing back and neck pain, we never made it. But Mom's doing better and now with the news we've decided to try and catch her ASAP. Well all of them, but her sooner if we can help it. Actually, all the girls.
There's a dark grey and white cat I jokingly call Tom-Dick-or-Harry and who we think is the probably daddy. At first he was too skiddish to feed. And lil by lil he started coming closer and begging with the rest of the family. Should have listened when we noticed Oreo did NOT like him and got super territorial. Last night Dad and I noticed Tom mounting Inkblot, one of the other kittens. >.< So yeah. We're gonna try and take in ALL the females and I am so NOT feeding Tom again. In fact, last night I shooed him away by spraying water in his direction. At least Snickers is safe. The family in general don't like her and she was a shelter rescue (even though the dumb family who adopted her don't take care of her) and so she was probably fixed before being adopted. We'll take her in too though. Before it gets cold.
Mom had her monthly doctor appointment a couple weeks ago and she got some shots to make her feel better, but also made an appointment for stronger injections.... they had to put her under just to give them to her. Her back feels much better. She said before she felt like every movement made her scared that it would go out again. Her neck still hurts but not as bad. And now her wrist hurts from what she thinks was catching herself wrong when she almost tripped the other day. Oy.
Next weekend we MAY go to Sea World, courtesy of Nana. Nana asked for a ride to San Diego to go to some school thing for one of Uncle David's kids. They have it every year I guess and she always says no, so she's making the token visit now. :-P Mom said sure. Nana worried we'd be driving too much if we dumped her and came home only to have to come back to pick her up later. (Mom's still not speaking to Uncle David for his lack of comforting during...so yeah.) But Mom joked that we'd just go to Sea World and Nana said she wanted to go! :-P So now I guess the plan is to drop Nana off, have breakfast in the area and pick her up and go to Sea World. We'll see if it really happens. :-P Can't tell ya how many times the three of us were going to Disneyland for Christmas decor. :-P Oh, that was suggested too...for her birthday in early January.
Oh, I guess I should mention yesterday was election day... Blah blah blah... I completely ignored any and all political crap as much as was possible...despite continually commenting on this or that. Ick.
And finally.... ALL my friends are coming for visits so this month and next should be extra fun. :-D Weeee!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
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