Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Last night was our weekly Target Tuesday trip. Among the new DVD/Blu-ray releases was Cinderella. Dad had just picked up a copy and we were walking away when two women were discussing which one to buy. Dad explained the differences in the options. These re-releases of Disney classics tend to come in three options. DVD/Blu-ray combos, Blu-ray/DVD combos, and Blur-ray/DVD/Digital Copy....the first two being a difference on the box size that the same discs come in. :-P AnyWHO... Dad told the woman about the digital copy thing for use on iTunes friendly devices. She thought that was great since she was getting her daughter an iPad too. The daughter's age was mentioned.....three....  Wow.

So as we were walking away, I whispered to Dad that I thought that girl was going to grow up so spoiled. :-P He replied that if funds had been available at the time I might have been too. :-P I am well aware of how spoiled I am...even if that spoiling started later in life. :-P

I told the story to Mom and she thought maybe the child was already that tech savvy and that had she known of our tech savvy-ness she might have done the same thing. I, being non child friendly, do not know at what age such an expensive gift should be given....but as they make child friendly versions of tablets would probably start the kids on those. :-P iAnthings are expensive. :-P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

funds or no funds, it would be best to just stick with toys that engage the brain via more than eyes and fingertips. the two year old i care for is uber tech savvy, and more than knows her way around an ipad, but interacting with the real world in real time is much better for her overall development.