Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today (er yesterday, since it's past midnight now), I went to play with Sarah. I actually asked Mom to give me a ride this time for two reasons.....being a shorter trip than usual, time was limited, and being a Saturday, busing would be so time consuming that I'd have to leave at the crack of dawn. Usually I bus to her and don't mind the two and a half to three hour ride (several buses) and then ask Mom or Dad to pick me up. Between making a stop at the bank in the wrong direction and Mom not wanting to take the two main freeways to get to Sarah's neck of the woods, the trip took almost a half hour longer than it should have. :-P But Mom made up for it by agreeing to take Sarah and me to our first stop: BJ's. Mom was invited but with little heads up, Mom wasn't dressed for the occasion. :-P

Mini pizzas, pizzookies, LOTS of chatter (mostly on my end), and nearly choking on my food from laughing too hard all made for a great start to our day. I gotta remember to set aside half my pizza or not drink so much water with the meal next time. We always end up doing lots of walking....something that is easier done when not so full. But I'm sure I've had that thought before and will probably forget next time I go out with Sarah.

After a few, we headed out to the bus stop. I counted out $1.50 in nickels. :-P This kinda bugs the bus drivers, but I have lots of loose change that I never use except for bus trips. I brought two bucks in nickels and five in dimes. At the end of the day, I only had fifteen dimes left. Actually less, cuz one was a Canadian dime I gave to Sarah and one I dropped on the bus and refused to try and search for it.

I brought Josh's old camera with me so we could take pictures at the park. I really need a newer aka less bulky  camera and also this one doesn't zoom as well as I thought it did. But meh. Something is better than nothing. We had hoped to explore a previously closed of section, but alas it was still closed. I entertained myself with a stick, I turned into an odd looking wand. We both took some pics of the various water birds in the lake/pond thing in the middle of the park and the very brave squirrels. Walked down some different paths and across mini bridges we hadn't noticed last visit. So that was nice. Also, the cool temps in general made it a real nice day to be at a park. But since we explored all we could in an hour, we decided to go back to another park. More silliness, photo shoots, and lots of walking. :-) My legs hate me for that last bit, but it was really good to be out walking in such nice scenery.

At one of the bus stops, either to one of the parks or to her mom's place, I was using the zoom on the camera to see if the bus was getting closer. A few of the cars heading towards us thought I was taking pics and started waving as they drove by. :-P I didn't see them myself, but I still found it funny when Sarah pointed it out.

Anywho, we kinda chillaxed at her mom's while waiting for my Dad who got kinda lost thanks to Mapquest and him not following his usual route. But Sarah got him straightened out with the aid of Google Maps. :-)

Now that I've stalled to do the kitchen long enough....sore legs and tiredness and all that jazz.... I better go so I can go mimi and wake up for the Daddy Daughter Day fun. :-)

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