I know I said I'd watch two or more Christmas movies, but I only watched one movie. The Nativity Story (2006). I don't think I've seen previous versions, but I did enjoy this one. Actually, I think I liked it more than I thought I would, and I'll probably watch it every year they decide to air it. I also think I should have snagged it, when I saw it at the store on Sunday.
Saturday, I woke up half an hour earlier than my alarm... leaving my "Vampire Diaries" (2009) dream cut short. Now I'll never know what happened to Elena and Stefan. Ah well... Waking early gave me extra time to be productive before my plans with Issi. :)
Issi Claus came with gifts for all. :) Assorted coffees for the coffee addict in the house, Mom. And while she felt bad for lack of gift to return, she loved the gift. I believe she said she was anxious to try one the next day, but I wasn't there to see if she did or not. :P And I got an awesome Mickey jacket (that I wore that night and the next day :D ) and a cute Mickey purse. I imagine both will get lots of use. :D And her parents gave me a beautiful tapestry throw, which I am still debating on hanging or using. Either way I'll have to keep it out of reach of furry bratlings. Maybe I'll take a pic of the jacket and bag later, but I found this pic of the image on the throw online. Isn't it pretty? And with the woven tapestry texture it looks even lovelier.
After a long drive, we finally made it to Disneyland! Two things... Wow, was it packed! And... OMG! They let all the looneis out or something! People showed up in one piece pajamas... the kind with the feetsies! But the majority of the wierdos showed up in what looked like a box of crayons threw up all over their clothes along with arms covered in bead necklaces. It was crazy! Still as busy as it was, we were able to make it onto It's a Small World. I only had enough sense to take a couple pics inside the ride, and it was with my cell phone camera instead of the digital camera I had in my purse. :P Unforntunately, only this one came out. But before we left, we did stop to take pics of the lit up Small World and Castle. Dunno how good they turned out, but on the camera they looked beautiful. :P

Sunday, I made Dad a Bob Rivers CD while I got ready to go play with him. We went to eat and then braved Wal-Mart...on a weekend....before Christmas. It was a mad house, but I was able to get most of what was on my supply/grocery list. And after we survived that trip, we went back to Dad's house to watch movies. :) Since I missed the TV airing of Frosty the Snowman (1969 TV), we watched it on his holiday classics collection DVD. I don't think I'll ever be too old for that one. :D And we also watched Igor (2008), which was just a good, funny movie. :)
We took the scenic route home... :D And the scene was all about Christmas lights! We drove up and down streets looking at lovely displays. :D There was ALOT of work put into some of these. And I'd HATE to see their electric bills. :P But I am so glad we got to see them. And before going home, we picked up some Pioneer Chicken. Yummy! :)
Soooo.... Since I didn't have time to watch a whole lot of my Christmas movies, I made up for it yesterday (Monday). :P I watched ALOT of movies.. Well, alot for one day, anyway. :P Let's see, I watched Unlikely Angel (1996 TV) on TV. I finished watching Crazy for Christmas (2005 TV), which I'd actually started Friday night before bed. I watched A Christmas Carol (1984 TV) with George C. Scott, one of many versions I have. And finally, after midnight, I watched Christmas in Canaan (2009 TV).
There's more I was gonna babble about, like Sarah's getting Married! o.0 But I must get to bed for a "nap". Got stuffs to do before Target Tuesday. And it is already way past the time I thought I'd be asleep. :P Oops. :P