Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breath of Fresh Air

Yep, I finally made it out for fresh air. After spending the whole day and night out of bed yesterday, I got to leave the house today (er yesterday as it's tomorrow now)! Okay so it was only to run a few errands and I had to whisper most of the time, but still! Dad took me out for our usual fun and games while running errands. :D And since I made it that far, I'm going to play again tomorrow (er today).

Got some cough drops to hopefully keep the lingering coughing fits to a minimum. I was desperate before and looked up home/natural remedies... People are SO weird. One said to cut a lemon in half, put salt and pepper in/on it, and then hold in your mouth til the coughing is suppressed... o.0 What???? I'm hoping I read it wrong. It was late at night. If not... How the hell did someone come up with that one! I like licking salted lemons.. and I'll even stick a wedge in my mouth (minus the rine), but half??? all in my mouth??? Uhh... So yay for cough drops. :D

K.. I have a RP post to finish, a few dishes to wash, litter to tidy, and my butt to get in bed! Okay, so I woulda finished all this had I not been distracted by a movie. :P

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