Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rescued.... Sorta

It's Friday. Ordinarily this shouldn't matter, given my lack of a proper schedule. But I keep it special by treating myself to my french bread pizzas and Merlin. :-)

That said. The happy specialness of the day has been kinda deflated. Cuz it's kinda cold out for the furry customers, I've been trying to catch Spumoni and Snickers. Both cats have been leery of my attempts. Spumoni probably saw all five of her kittens caught in similar tricks and she escaped an almost capture. Snickers was a shelter rescue, so I'm sure she's no stranger to being put in a carrier. Anywho. Tonight, I caught Snickers. This should be good news.

After waking Mom, we drove to the shelter to drop Snickers off. Her owner or maybe the shelter chipped her before adopting her out. Well because of the chip, they now have info to call her loser owner. The b**** who "rescued" two cats and expected her CHILDREN to be completely responsible for their well-being without making sure they're doing what they should. HOPEFULLY, we don't see Snickers back on our doorstep again. HOPEFULLY, they don't give her back to that crappy family. >.<

And now....before my sense of happy Friday is completely ruined. I'm going to let it go and leave it in God's hands and go watch Merlin to cheer me up.

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