Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Change of Plans :-D

Okay, I'm trying something new. I'm writing this from my iPad while sitting here at Dad's. I don't think I'll do it very often even if I am a little faster at typing on this qwerty keypad than I thought I would be.

By the fact that I am here at Dad's should let ya know cleaning plans were not carried out. Bad me. Took lomger to clear out my e-mail accounts than I'd intended and then talked to Dad who suggested we get together... As I was out out of the kids dry food and I usually pick it up when I'm with Dad at Wal-Mart (we don't have one in Pedro and Target stopped carrying that brand), he asked if I wanted to get if I'd ever say no, well without a VERY good reason. :-P Cleaning plans pushed to Monday or tomorrow if Dad's not up to playing two days in a row.

Today was part play and large part errands. I woke late but that just meant no per-pick-up comp time. :-P First errand: water run. Loaded five five-gallon bottles into his car and headed to the donut/water refill shop. I could ask Mom but she only thinks of her convenience when it comes to parking and is not always as skilled to park with the back hatch in the right spot. Also, she can't help me unload the car. Meh. So we got water and dropped it off real quick before heading towards Dad's part of the world. A bank run, the Wal-Mart trip for cat food and treats and hand sanitizer (have I mentioned Mom's massive hand san addiction?), then to Sam's Club for the French bread pizzas Mom and I love so much and bologna. And the final stop (before going to Dad's that is) was to grab grub.

Anywho, we unloaded the car of the freezer stuff, ate while watching a TV holiday movie, and now we're playing with our tech toys while catching up on some shows he had on his DVR.

Oh! Not that I could watch it as we don't pay for Cinnamax, but it turns out there's like six episodes of Hunted available On Demand. But for a moment I thought, oh cool I can watch that show Ah tee eM blogged about. Ah well. :-P

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