Also.... I had a sorta thought that this year I might do some baking at the holiday time. I can only make two of Mom's famous cookies but, still that's two very yummy cookie/treats! But alas, finances being what they were this year, I didn;t even bother looking into buying the necessary ingredients. It's a wonder Mom was ever able to give us Christmas presents at all with the amount of baking she did and the expense of some of those ingredients! But then back then, we bought in bulk a lil at a time for months prior. Maybe next year, I'll try the same. And Nana had even offered to pay me to bake her some acorn cookies. But Mom reminded her we didn't have all the stuff and how expensive that stuff was. I think Nana offered to get the stuff. Shoulda checked with her again before it got too late I guess. Then again, maybe it's a good thing. I have soo many cuts on my hands from the cats and the day the almost broken mop pinched my fingers a few times when I was cleaning. Not to mention how dried out my hands are from the dish washing and the lack of proper moisturizing. Never was very good with that whole skin care crap. The thought of rolling buttery dough into a million balls or chocolate in the case of truffles sounds painful. Ah well....
And finally.... I wanted this month to catch up on back reading of RP characters so I could revive them after the holiday. Also, K hasn't moved in RB in months, nor have her pets. Would be kinda hard to get back into guild hunting if they're all idle and broke. :-P Still a lil time for that though.
Bleh. Next year will be better...
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