Friday, December 21, 2012

Epic Fail

Finally packed up the Christmas cards after having only sent out a handful of cards that may or may not even make it to their destinations in time. >.< Once upon I used to start them so early in the month. Now, as the years pass, I start later and later despite tha fact that now I have international addresses to mail to which require more time. And it's not that I don't want to send cards. I love getting mail so I love to share that with my friends and family. Le sigh. Maybe I'll try e-cards or something for the ones I missed....well the ones I'm able to anyway. Not all my family are net savy. :-P

Also.... I had a sorta thought that this year I might do some baking at the holiday time. I can only make two of Mom's famous cookies but, still that's two very yummy cookie/treats! But alas, finances being what they were this year, I didn;t even bother looking into buying the necessary ingredients. It's a wonder Mom was ever able to give us Christmas presents at all with the amount of baking she did and the expense of some of those ingredients! But then back then, we bought in bulk a lil at a time for months prior. Maybe next year, I'll try the same. And Nana had even offered to pay me to bake her some acorn cookies. But Mom reminded her we didn't have all the stuff and how expensive that stuff was. I think Nana offered to get the stuff. Shoulda checked with her again before it got too late I guess. Then again, maybe it's a good thing. I have soo many cuts on my hands from the cats and the day the almost broken mop pinched my fingers a few times when I was cleaning. Not to mention how dried out my hands are from the dish washing and the lack of proper moisturizing. Never was very good with that whole skin care crap. The thought of rolling buttery dough into a million balls or chocolate in the case of truffles sounds painful. Ah well....

And finally.... I wanted this month to catch up on back reading of RP characters so I could revive them after the holiday. Also, K hasn't moved in RB in months, nor have her pets. Would be kinda hard to get back into guild hunting if they're all idle and broke. :-P Still a lil time for that though.

Bleh. Next year will be better... 

Monday, December 17, 2012

This That and Everything

Been a while since I blogged...again..... Not for lack of desire or content. As I'll often have stuff (not just the latest cat related stuff too) that I want to share. But I'm usually not in front of the computer when that happens and I forget or get to tired to think straight when I do...or more often than not, I get distracted. Seriously, some days it takes twice as long to watch my shows cuz I can't just sit stil and watch (watching shows live as they air helps due to the commercial breaks :-P ).

Anywho... Catching up.... One by one, we caught all three of the remaining kttens and took them to the shelter. We're still not sure if the mother got pregnant again...still pregnant...lost the babies (God forgive us, but that's actually one of the hopes of ours)...or maybe was nevrt pregnant (the primary hope). Either way, gonna wait and see if babirs can br hrard before taking her in so we don't leave them stranded. In the new year, we'll try to catch her and Snicers. I still shoo away Tom-Dick-or-Harry. Mom says not to be mean, buy I don't want him to get used to eating here. Once the two girls are gone, that's it.  Maybe after they're gone, I'll try to catch him too.

Claening and decorating finally got finished. Decorating last week and the last bit of cleaning this week (major floor cleaning and vacuuming). And since furr wasn't all over the floors, Mom didn't have to be embarrassed and so she called the landlord (finally) about fixing the heater. Which a good thing, cuz turning on the oven to use as a heater isn't as effective at heating up the whole house.

Still behind on things I wanted to get done. >.< Like Christmas cards. So I'll be working all night to fill 'em out and take them to the mailbox up on Western to make sure they get picked up, cuz if I wait to the unpredictable mailman, it could be days. He comes everyday, but at random times and since our mail gets put into a slot on our wall with no place to leave out going mail, I won't risk them getting left behind or falling to the ground.

Dad got a new keyboard for his iPad so I get his barely used "old" one, which I am using right now since I haven't gotten up from movie watching in my room to go turn on the computer. Tis really handy. :-D May even make blogging on the fly a little easier.  We'll see. :-P

I started thinking about my old vampy occupations... And so have others. RB folk asked if I still did the whole guild hunting and list compiling thing and I realized I really missed that. The whole race to get all the guild locations and post them before anyone else...trying todo it without needing to include other people's sightings wass a fun challenge. Also, from RB and other RP vampy games and forums folks have been asking if I wanted to revive the caharacters I had in each respective game/forum... And yes I want to. But at the same time I've been out of that head space for sooo long, I don't know if I remember how to "be" those characters anymore. I do miss it, sso I will try. Can't hurt to try right?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Eggnog Ice Cream and Pumpkin Pie

Holiday season means holiday treats and fun. :-) Like eating eggnog ice cream and pumpkin pie while watching a holiday movie Saturday. Like wearing reindeer antlers and Christmas light (non operational) or jingle bell earrings and watching people smile or giggle or whatever. In a week or so, I'll be in full holiday get up with my ginormous Santa hat and bell necklace. I'm starting to pay attention to when the holiday movies are on and planning on watching some of the old favorites I own. I don't watch EVERY single one anymore....yeesh, that's be almost impossible if not completely sickening cuz some of them are utter crap. :-P

Anywho... Sunday, Dad and I hung out again for our usual Sunday fun. Breakfast at our place with my Greek omelette.... Dollar tree for stuff I don't need need (but mostly useful :-P )... Best Buy for MIB3. :-) ... Then back to Dad's house to just chillax. I don't remember if we watched anything specific or just whatever was on TV. But it was just nice to simply hang out. Of course between losing track on hanging out and Dad's comp not cooperating when he was trying to check something real quick slowed our departure down. We stopped at Food 4 Less WAY later than usual so no broccoli cheese soup from Subway was out of the question, since they were closed before we even made it to the market. Dad left my house soooooo late. Heck, if he'd stayed a smidge longer, Mom would have been up and taking her morning shower (she gets up at 2:30-3:00a.m.). :-P

Monday night I started the thorough cleaning process. I keep letting myself get distracted so it's taking longer than it should...slowly but surely all will be clean and halls will be decked by Friday.

Tuesday, I woke up way later than intended and even though Dad had the day off, we still didn't leave the house until the usual time. Le whoops? Okay... no whoops... My fault entirely. We got the new Batman movie. :-) Looking forward to seeing that. Mom made brownies (at my request) after she got off work so Dad could have some fresh brownies (we'd given him some of the last batch a day or two later). He said they tasted good with eggnog ice cream. Must try that sometime. :-)

Today? Er... Yeah.. Still trying to get my butt in gear. Gonna start a load of laundry in a minute and finish the dusting of the living room before pulling out the decorations, while watching TV Christmas movies of course. Most of the time consuming dusting and putting away was done on Monday, so at least there's that. I think I can handle two end tables and changing the covers on the futon thing. Man I wish we had a real and proper couch.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Change of Plans :-D

Okay, I'm trying something new. I'm writing this from my iPad while sitting here at Dad's. I don't think I'll do it very often even if I am a little faster at typing on this qwerty keypad than I thought I would be.

By the fact that I am here at Dad's should let ya know cleaning plans were not carried out. Bad me. Took lomger to clear out my e-mail accounts than I'd intended and then talked to Dad who suggested we get together... As I was out out of the kids dry food and I usually pick it up when I'm with Dad at Wal-Mart (we don't have one in Pedro and Target stopped carrying that brand), he asked if I wanted to get if I'd ever say no, well without a VERY good reason. :-P Cleaning plans pushed to Monday or tomorrow if Dad's not up to playing two days in a row.

Today was part play and large part errands. I woke late but that just meant no per-pick-up comp time. :-P First errand: water run. Loaded five five-gallon bottles into his car and headed to the donut/water refill shop. I could ask Mom but she only thinks of her convenience when it comes to parking and is not always as skilled to park with the back hatch in the right spot. Also, she can't help me unload the car. Meh. So we got water and dropped it off real quick before heading towards Dad's part of the world. A bank run, the Wal-Mart trip for cat food and treats and hand sanitizer (have I mentioned Mom's massive hand san addiction?), then to Sam's Club for the French bread pizzas Mom and I love so much and bologna. And the final stop (before going to Dad's that is) was to grab grub.

Anywho, we unloaded the car of the freezer stuff, ate while watching a TV holiday movie, and now we're playing with our tech toys while catching up on some shows he had on his DVR.

Oh! Not that I could watch it as we don't pay for Cinnamax, but it turns out there's like six episodes of Hunted available On Demand. But for a moment I thought, oh cool I can watch that show Ah tee eM blogged about. Ah well. :-P