Saturday, September 1, 2012


One of the neighbors wants to adopt Kumquat, the orange kitten. Hopefully he or I can catch the little fur ball so he can take it home. :-) The kittens are getting braver. They don't flee as far when I'm outside with them. Trying to get them used to me and somewhat socialized so they're more adoptable. Kumquat, Inkblot, and Hazelnut are ALWAYS around for meal time and still act starving when I feed the other ones. :-P Bottomless pits, the lot of them! Kumquat and Inkblot play much rougher than the others. It's fun to watch or referee when they make each other squeal. Silly kitties. Ah if only we were in a place to take the whole family in. :-P We'd truly be the crazy cat ladies. :-P


BBC America's been airing a Doctor Who marathon since yesterday. Season 5 yesterday and season 6 today. Even though I have 6 on DVD (except the Christmas episode which they stupidly sold separately!) I've watched more of it than I did 5 which I only have a sort of okay recording of. :-P Ah well, 5 I've seen more times in reruns and previous marathons anyway. Later, I'll watch the DVDs...or at least the second half of season 6 and then I'll watch the season 7 Christmas episode on TV before..... the new episodes!!!!! Weeeee.... Sonic Screwdriver in hand, I am soooo ready for new Doctor Who episodes! :-)

I think it's funny how they advertise for the new seasons as the season "where everything changes." It's the Doctor! When doesn't everything change? :-P Oy! And hopefully they ditch that lame ass intro with Amy telling her story. Seriously. Anyone who doesn't know the story, doesn't deserve to watch Doctor Who. :-P Anywho! Off to dreamland for a....nap..... Going to fall asleep to "The Doctor's Wife".

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