Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Too Much TV?

Yesterday I woke from what I'd consider a really cool dream but Mom thinks I'm weird. :-P I guess I watch too much TV. I take that back. I don't guess. I KNOW I watch way too much TV. I mean I sit down and plan the recording schedule for the week so Mom and I don't miss anything.....And yet, Dad manages to record more than the two of us combined. :-P

ANYWHO! I think my dream was sort of a cross between BBC's Being Human and AMC's The Walking Dead. I was seeing from the point of view of one of the humans travelling with a growing group of surviving humans and a werewolf. We came across some facility where a vampire had been hiding out until we arrived. Of course his fresh blood supply was gone, though no one asked what that supply was (animal or human). So he had to get out and find a new place just like the rest of us. I, or the person I was seeing out of, got cut climbing into the pick up truck the little band were fleeing in and the vampire caught the scent. He did his best to resist.... And then I was actually me and not in someone else and the driver wasn't some random driver but my Dad. We kept ahead of the zombies okay, but the vampire was starting to worry me. Next thing I knew we were all scrambling out of the truck and splitting up. I took off without even waiting for Dad. Sorry DAD! But ya know when a vamp has your scent, ya don't stick around! :-P At some point I met up with Mom and had to explain why I'd run off without Dad who was with her anyway.

I think my dream was about to take an even more bizarre twist "V" style, but I woke with a phone call and realized I was running REAL late. All that running (dreaming and lateness :-P) gave me a monster leg cramp. Crazy, cool dream.... :-P Too bad I woke too rushed to remember more of the details.

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