Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Give me more BLOOD!

(Okay... more Blood+)

Going through some real Blood+ withdrawals. What a tease. Why must Cartoon Network always show us just enough of an awesome anime to get us hooked then cut us off half way through the series..... I watched episodes 1-26 on Cartoon Network or YouTube and now there's no more to be found. ~cries~ That's a lie. I COULD watch it in Japanese or with subtitles.... But once ya get used to hearing the dubbed version, the Japanese voices get on your nerves. Guess I'll have to find something to fill the void.... Anyone know of a good anime dubbed in English and completely available to watch online? (Comp can't handle downloading lots)... Also, is it silly to think a cartoon/anime character is totally cute and awesome? :P


Noooo... Anime guys are HOT! Most of the time, at least... I know I used to love Endimion and Tuxedo Mask, and one of the bad guys from Sailormoon, and there's Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi, and also Toya from Ayashi No Ceres.... OMG... I still drool over them. LOL.

Posted by Melissa Tian on September 25, 2007 - Tuesday - 2:38 PM

NOTE: I neglected to copy the correct date and time of the original post before deleting it from Myspace. The above was just a guestimate.

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