(Okay... more Blood+)
Going through some real Blood+ withdrawals. What a tease. Why must Cartoon Network always show us just enough of an awesome anime to get us hooked then cut us off half way through the series..... I watched episodes 1-26 on Cartoon Network or YouTube and now there's no more to be found. ~cries~ That's a lie. I COULD watch it in Japanese or with subtitles.... But once ya get used to hearing the dubbed version, the Japanese voices get on your nerves. Guess I'll have to find something to fill the void.... Anyone know of a good anime dubbed in English and completely available to watch online? (Comp can't handle downloading lots)... Also, is it silly to think a cartoon/anime character is totally cute and awesome? :P
Noooo... Anime guys are HOT! Most of the time, at least... I know I used to love Endimion and Tuxedo Mask, and one of the bad guys from Sailormoon, and there's Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi, and also Toya from Ayashi No Ceres.... OMG... I still drool over them. LOL.
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 25, 2007 - Tuesday - 2:38 PM
NOTE: I neglected to copy the correct date and time of the original post before deleting it from Myspace. The above was just a guestimate.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I'm starting to hate visiting the relatives. Whenever we go to Nana's, the conversation is almost always in Spanish. They'll laugh and talk and I'll be clueless. I remember before when running off to read or listen to music was said to be rude, but then they go and speak Spanish in front of me and that's not rude?? Okay, Gabriel speaks Spanish better, no big deal, I can hardly understand him in English anyway. And okay, Elizabeth speaks little English. Okay fine. But when she's not in the room, why can't they speak English? Laughing and talking, having a good ol' time... Yeah, no wonder I get bored out of my mind there.
So today we went to visit at Nana's cuz Uncle David, Aunt Elizabeth and my little cousins were coming up and we missed their last couple of visits in town. But oy.... Between all the Spanish speaking and annoying little cousins... Beniah, 6, Enoch, 4, and Melodia, 14mos.... The boys were so loud and noisey and kept running around or trying to attack stuff. Melodia just kept trying to play with stuff that she shouldn't, breakables... the boys toys... marbles...
There was no where to retreat. Normally I hide in the living room or family room. But there was a munchkin or Spanish conversation going on in almost all rooms. I love my family, but visiting extended family's never been uber fun. It's less so now.
Two things... I am SOOOO NOT having kids... Ugh... And if by some act or will of God I DO have kids, I'm not gonna subject them to rude relatives who insist on speaking a language they don't know in front of them. Either speak their language or go to another room and have your private talks. That or I'll just not bring them to visit. I hated it when I was a kid, and I hate it more so as an adult.
I know what you mean... *hugs* I hate visiting relatives too. >.<
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 23, 2007 - Sunday - 9:56 AM
Mija, I understand what you are going through as I have gone through quite often and to me someone calling you rude for not participating and then precede to speak in their language is just down right stupid and ignorant on their part. But you have to choices you either learn the language enough to understand or do what I always did which is tell them to speak english. My mom would do that when she didn't want my friends to understand what she was telling me and on many occasions I would tell her that was rude if she didn't wan them to hear either tell me in private or wiat til they leave. But then again we are talking about your nana and that is a losing cause in the first place.
Posted by Tony the Tazman on September 23, 2007 - Sunday - 1:26 PM
with the right genes and the right boundaries, you'd have nothing to worry about;)
Posted by sarah on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 8:59 AM
So today we went to visit at Nana's cuz Uncle David, Aunt Elizabeth and my little cousins were coming up and we missed their last couple of visits in town. But oy.... Between all the Spanish speaking and annoying little cousins... Beniah, 6, Enoch, 4, and Melodia, 14mos.... The boys were so loud and noisey and kept running around or trying to attack stuff. Melodia just kept trying to play with stuff that she shouldn't, breakables... the boys toys... marbles...
There was no where to retreat. Normally I hide in the living room or family room. But there was a munchkin or Spanish conversation going on in almost all rooms. I love my family, but visiting extended family's never been uber fun. It's less so now.
Two things... I am SOOOO NOT having kids... Ugh... And if by some act or will of God I DO have kids, I'm not gonna subject them to rude relatives who insist on speaking a language they don't know in front of them. Either speak their language or go to another room and have your private talks. That or I'll just not bring them to visit. I hated it when I was a kid, and I hate it more so as an adult.
I know what you mean... *hugs* I hate visiting relatives too. >.<
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 23, 2007 - Sunday - 9:56 AM
Mija, I understand what you are going through as I have gone through quite often and to me someone calling you rude for not participating and then precede to speak in their language is just down right stupid and ignorant on their part. But you have to choices you either learn the language enough to understand or do what I always did which is tell them to speak english. My mom would do that when she didn't want my friends to understand what she was telling me and on many occasions I would tell her that was rude if she didn't wan them to hear either tell me in private or wiat til they leave. But then again we are talking about your nana and that is a losing cause in the first place.
Posted by Tony the Tazman on September 23, 2007 - Sunday - 1:26 PM
with the right genes and the right boundaries, you'd have nothing to worry about;)
Posted by sarah on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 8:59 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
So... yeah...
I'm walking around gathering trash and I find a Pixie in the bathroom. Now she's been known to sleep in odd spots. She likes sleeping on the bathroom rug, for one. But that's not where I found her. Nope... She was laying down all cozy like in the LITTER BOX! I love her to pieces but sometimes she's such a little freak. Maybe giving her a bath today traumatized her.... though it's not like it was her first bath.... Ah well, at least it was a cleaned up litter box. I'll share pics later, but for now back to the kitchen I keep stalling to do. :P
LOL. Awww...
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 23, 2007 - Sunday - 9:58 AM
LOL. Awww...
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 23, 2007 - Sunday - 9:58 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
But oh what a ... Saturday
Plan A: Meet at theatre for movie A at 1110 and movie B at 150
Plan B: Meet at theatre for movie B at 1150 and movie A at 150
Plan C: Meet at IHOP for breakfast and then watch movie A at 150
And the winner:
Plan D: Meet at Norms down the street from IHOP and then watch movie A at 150
It was kinda funny... Anywho, we got to see the movie I personally wanted to see more anyway... And good thing too, cuz it's been in the theatres longer and might vanish sooner. The third Bourne movie was great! Action, humor... okay not side splitting but more like "haha, you deserved that"... It was fun going out to eat too. We're all pretty goofy. Sit us at a table facing each other and stick food in us and we can get pretty silly. Thank you, Dad, for a great day!
We parted ways... Dad and Josh to their place... Mom and I to the market... The real fun came a while after we got home.... Ah, yes thrilling fun.... Pixie and Oreo have worms. Common enough problem among pets so I'm told. Picked up Pixie and it was just ever so yucky. Made my skin crawl the way having ant or roach problems does. Called the After Hours Clinic and they said if we could get them there in 20 minutes.... Well Mom's changed, I'm half changed... Both rush to get public decent. I try and pack Pixie in a cardboard box cuz we don't have a carrier. That fails, she fights and fights and keeps trying to get out before I can close it. Had to borrow the neighbor's cat carrier. Pixie proceeded to scratch the hell out of me trying to keep from being put in the carrier. Oy.
Tick tock tick tock.... Luckily the Clinic's just down the street and we made it in time. Vet gave both of them a shot, and we crammed both Pixie and Oreo into the cat carrier... plenty of room. Oreo usually travels in my arms, wrapped in a towel and a plastic bag so he doesn't pee on me. Both in one was MUCH better. We sooooo gotta get them a carrier before we take them back for a second shot. Oreo even cried less in the carrier with Pixie.
When we got home, I was pretty much exhausted. Chasing, catching, and trying to get Pixie in the box and then the carrier was HARD work! For a lil thing she's got ALOT of fight in her! Cleaned the carrier and returned it... well after Oreo was done inspecting it. Nut that he is actually climbed back in 10 minutes after he was let out. Big baby needed lots of loving and reassuring after his shot... even to the point of needing to comfort his sister even though she didn't need it. Silly boy. Whew, I'm tired just remembering all that. Sheesh.
LOL. That must not have been fun... :P
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 17, 2007 - Monday - 7:22 AM
Suuuuuuure it was! I got the scratches and puncture marks to prove it... oh wait...
Posted by Relaya on September 17, 2007 - Monday - 4:05 PM
OMG! i so totally know what you're referencing in that subject line of yours:D
Posted by sarah on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 7:55 AM
I knew YOU would. :D
Posted by Relaya on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 9:26 PM
Plan B: Meet at theatre for movie B at 1150 and movie A at 150
Plan C: Meet at IHOP for breakfast and then watch movie A at 150
And the winner:
Plan D: Meet at Norms down the street from IHOP and then watch movie A at 150
It was kinda funny... Anywho, we got to see the movie I personally wanted to see more anyway... And good thing too, cuz it's been in the theatres longer and might vanish sooner. The third Bourne movie was great! Action, humor... okay not side splitting but more like "haha, you deserved that"... It was fun going out to eat too. We're all pretty goofy. Sit us at a table facing each other and stick food in us and we can get pretty silly. Thank you, Dad, for a great day!
We parted ways... Dad and Josh to their place... Mom and I to the market... The real fun came a while after we got home.... Ah, yes thrilling fun.... Pixie and Oreo have worms. Common enough problem among pets so I'm told. Picked up Pixie and it was just ever so yucky. Made my skin crawl the way having ant or roach problems does. Called the After Hours Clinic and they said if we could get them there in 20 minutes.... Well Mom's changed, I'm half changed... Both rush to get public decent. I try and pack Pixie in a cardboard box cuz we don't have a carrier. That fails, she fights and fights and keeps trying to get out before I can close it. Had to borrow the neighbor's cat carrier. Pixie proceeded to scratch the hell out of me trying to keep from being put in the carrier. Oy.
Tick tock tick tock.... Luckily the Clinic's just down the street and we made it in time. Vet gave both of them a shot, and we crammed both Pixie and Oreo into the cat carrier... plenty of room. Oreo usually travels in my arms, wrapped in a towel and a plastic bag so he doesn't pee on me. Both in one was MUCH better. We sooooo gotta get them a carrier before we take them back for a second shot. Oreo even cried less in the carrier with Pixie.
When we got home, I was pretty much exhausted. Chasing, catching, and trying to get Pixie in the box and then the carrier was HARD work! For a lil thing she's got ALOT of fight in her! Cleaned the carrier and returned it... well after Oreo was done inspecting it. Nut that he is actually climbed back in 10 minutes after he was let out. Big baby needed lots of loving and reassuring after his shot... even to the point of needing to comfort his sister even though she didn't need it. Silly boy. Whew, I'm tired just remembering all that. Sheesh.
LOL. That must not have been fun... :P
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 17, 2007 - Monday - 7:22 AM
Suuuuuuure it was! I got the scratches and puncture marks to prove it... oh wait...
Posted by Relaya on September 17, 2007 - Monday - 4:05 PM
OMG! i so totally know what you're referencing in that subject line of yours:D
Posted by sarah on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 7:55 AM
I knew YOU would. :D
Posted by Relaya on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 9:26 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Movie Withdrawals
I just checked my calendar.... It's been almost two months since Mom and I went to the movies. Two months! We're used to seeing one or two movies a month and sometimes more. There's sooooo many movies out I wanna see and they're vanishing from the theatres.
I understand the whys to us not going... but I still wanna cry.
Ya get used to these lil movie watching outings with family. Look forward to them. For Mom and I, apart from visiting family, going to the movies is our only fun outing. Man I wish movie theatres wouldn't charge so much for a ticket. It's insane. But of course we're already hooked on it.... Le sigh.... Guess we'll just depend on reading and borrowing from Dad's Movie Rental Shop. :P (Ooo... Dad, Mom finished all three movies the other day.)
Okay... Now to stop stalling... Have I ever mentioned I hate doing the kitchen? I can stall for hours to avoid it. :P And here I go again.. Okay I'll shut up.
I don't go to the movies for 10 months... :| But Reuby and I substitute by getting movies off the server and watching them on the computer. Of course, it's not as good as watching it in the cinema!
Posted by Melissa Tian on September 14, 2007 - Friday - 7:12 AM
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