Okay.. So I'm really late on sharing this bit of news with some of you... Almost two weeks ago, we adopted a new kitten. Rather she adopted me and little by little stole our hearts away so we took her in.
Yep, she's a mini Oreo. I named her Pixie as in Pixie Stix candy, cuz from the day I first saw her she's been on a sugar high that made me think of Dharma on "Pixie Stix". Anywho, Marc, the neighbor, says he thinks she's a girl. Yeah, I can't tell these things at all... At this point, I think I'll be bummed if the vet tells us it's really a boy. :P
She's one of three kittens that showed up recently, but she was the only friendly one. Tweedledee and Tweedledum, who showed up right away, come and eat and are scared just like their older companions, Buddy and Tigger. Marc thinks Buddy's the daddy, but I think Buddy's still kinda small to be out there fathering cats. 007 was probably the mother unless there's another dark kitty out there, as the security guard said he saw her with kittens one day. We rarely see 007 now though, so we might not have noticed anyway. Here's Buddy hiding in the bushes while Tweedledee eats his breakfast/dinner:
Tigger, Buddy's age, used to have potential for adopting, but now they're all just ferral... So it's really quite a miracle Pixie was so friendly. She's smaller than the other two, so maybe she was an abandoned runt.
I heard her crying outside, she wasn't even outside our door.... Over the TV, the game noises, the Y!M alerts, and music, I heard her crying around the corner of our apartment. Right away when I went out there and started talking to her, she came out to me.
She was so leeetle and you could make out her bones... After feeding her, she wanted some loving and playing and... yeah she wasn't shy at all.
Marc took her in a couple nights (not in a row), bathed her, and I guess tested the waters with Tiger (the cat he took in shortly after we moved here). But Pixie's boundless energy seemed like too much work to him.
Oreo seemed okay with him. He usually hisses at cats that look like him. Dunno why. But he's never liked cats that look like him before... But here he is now, before Pixie moved in:
Soooo... Yeah, Mom and I looked at each other and asked if we could give her a trial. I wasn't sure we should. We'd tried this before with a younger kitten and Oreo glared at it like he could kill it with his stare... So I was nervous, but Pixie was just looking at us from outside.... We brought her in and gave her like three baths to kill off as many fleas as possible... Poor lil thing... She now hates being carried into the bathroom. :P I can't imagine why. Anywho, she's made herself right at home now.
Isn't she cute? She carries that egg shell ALL over the place and has a ball all by herself... She squished that tissue box... We left her another one and she sticks her head in it and pushes it around almost as if it's a car or something. It's hilarious. We tied a red ribbon around her so she'd get used to a collar. I've replaced it now with a smaller pink ribbon, as she kept playing with the bigger red one and getting out of it. :P (No idea what she's playing with here.)
While Oreo does get jealous when we're holding her and not him or playing with her and not him (and we give him all the attention he wants when he asks), he and Pixie are getting along. They play fight and she can get on his nerves, but it's just a matter of getting to know her limits with him. She right now is like the little annoying sister to Oreo. But there are cute moments where they'll lay around together and he's even taking to bathing her.
And my all time favorite picture:
Mom and I believe God sent Oreo to us. We had a cat before and her allergies didn't allow us to keep it, nor was it as loving as Oreo is. But it didn't take long for Oreo to get to know us and her to get over her allergies with him only. It was as if God said, this is your pet. Likewise, I think God said we were to have Pixie.
We have felt bad for stray cats since our last apartment and took it upon ourselves to feed them. It gets expensive. At some point this week it got into my head, I think by God, that He was telling something. "We can't feed them all. Take this one. Care for this one. I'll get the rest."
We were already trying to ween them off of our food, to cut back on cost. But now, I feed them only when I want to and only until the rest of the cheap stuff we got for them is gone. There's no guilt for not feeding them on schedule either, adding to the feeling that it was God's will.
Anywho... I've babbled on WAY more than I thought I would.... And I should go to bed soon....
OMG... She REALLY looks like Oreo!!! O.O And she's sooooo adorable!!! :X :X :X
You can tell if it's female by looking at its butt. If it has testicles, it's male... :P LOL.
Thanks for sharing the pictures!!!! *huggles*
Posted by Melissa Tian on July 28, 2007 - Saturday - 7:58 AM
AWWWW she is a cutie pie :D
Posted by susan;) on July 28, 2007 - Saturday - 11:32 PM
i had no idea until now that pixie is such a mini oreo-that is beyond adorable. i see what you mean about them getting along. i imagine that i'll get to meet "mini-oreo"/pixie this christmas;) love the photos!
Posted by sarah on September 30, 2007 - Sunday - 8:06 AM
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