So today... er yesterday... we (Mom, Dad, and brother) went to the movies. We went to the 10am showing! This is a shocker, cuz my brother hates early showings.
But I guess he hadn't slept all night so he was still up for it. Dad took the day off to see play... I didn't even know he wanted to see the movie since Mom and Josh were the ones who kept talking about seeing it.
Anywho, I didn't even care one way or the other if I saw the movie.... I was never a huge Transformers fan as a kid and the basic idea seemed absolutely silly to make it a live action movie. But y'know Josh REALLY wanted to see it, and had even planned early times for the other movie plan we had just so he could see it... And I was like awwwww... How can I object when he was obviously so excited to see it.
So anywho, we all went to see it and I'm glad too! That movie was waaaaaaaay cooler than I thought it was gonna be!
The music, the graphics, the special effects in general, the characters (robot and human).... They were all great. The plot was even awesome! I wouldn't mind seeing it again. And I can safely say I'll be putting it on my wishlist for DVDs.
So kudos to my brother for making me want to go.
On another note.... While doing laundry today... I lost a sock. Well, it was in the load when I took it to the washing machine (apartment laundry room). But when I went to move the load over, I could only find one sock. I shook out all the clothes, checked the floor, the machine several times... and nothing. Came back in and checked if it'd fallen out before I left the apartment and nope.... It was lost. Went to rescue the clothes after the dryer was done and sure enough two socks were sitting right on top of the load in the front of the dryer.... I think the machines are messing with me.... Maybe there's not only a monster in the back of the dryer stealing socks, but also a monster at the bottom of washers toying with us..... ~hears twilight zone music~ 
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