What did I do last month... Well we saw four movies all thanks to a gift card from finding an apartment through an online site. Another kudos to me for finding the place.
Sarah came for a visit. I had a chance hangout with Chrissi. A couple visits with family... And I/we went to Kohl's FOUR times last month!!!! Craziness I tell ya!
So yeah, I broke in the rewards card ($100 from rent.com) by treating Mom and myself to two movies. Mom really needed the outing. Lots and lots of studying and stress for her. We saw Bridge to Terabithia and Wildhogs. Both were pretty cool. Wildhogs had us laughing soooo hard. As for Bridge... I wish I had their imagination!!! I mean I've always had a pretty active imagination, but nothing ever seemed real. It was always more like acting for me. 
My scheduled day with Sarah on her weekend visit down here was switched to Friday the 9th... How rude, huh. Just kidding, Sarah. I love ya! That week Mom was driving me nuts and I've totally forgotten why now (sooooo shoulda blogged a few weeks ago like I planned). Anywho, she was my possible ride to Sarah or to pick up Sarah... But as I was mad at her I decided I'd screw it and just figure out the bus system...
And figure it out I did! I was anxious/nervous and probably running on the previous night's emotions, so I almost didn't want to go. It'd been well over two years since I'd gone by bus or anywhere really on my own. But like as soon as I found my bus stop and got on, I was totally okay again. It was unbelievably normal for me again. It was like a rush of the old me came back. Confidence... Independence... A hint of those feelings of "I can do this on my own" had returned on that ride. I got all excited whenever I passed a recognizable place and more so when I was back on OCTA busses.
I met Sarah and off we went to BJ's for our traditional weird pizzas and Pizzookie!!!!! I took pics which I wanted to put here, but I don't feel like it now (cuz I can sense lots more babbling ahead).
After that we went walking around the shopping area and I pretended to be a photographer (so I could post something more on http://relaya.deviantart.com/ ). They were purdy to me.
Somewhere in there we went to Kohl's, for the first time that month for me..... And all I gotta say is Kohl's is crazy. They cancel people! Poor people... And shoes get calls! None of the dresses spoke to Sarah though so we moved on from that weird place. We took a bus towards her Grandmother's place and then walked the rest of the way. And oh the sites we saw.... Like kumquat sightings that we couldn't reach and steps that led up to a seemingly gateless fence.
No visit with Sarah would be complete without a full day of adventure and fun!
I'll admit... I was hoping Mom would rescue me from having to bus home. Only cuz I was tired and didn't feel like bussing two hours home and not cuz I was scared or anything. But alas, she did not get my clearly toooo subtle hints. Ah well. Tehe... I got on bus one, and apparently I look like a good listener. Clearly the woman who was talking to me had had a LOOOONNNGGG day, cuz she was babbling worse than I ever did. Ah but she was entertaining. I got off the bus and ran across the street to my next stop, and in the process I missed a call....
Chrissi called again, thankfully. And the coolest thing happened. She saw me running across the street! She was with her parents and could swear she recognized my shirt and my hair flip thing I do. Believing it to be me (cuz it was), she called. They made a turn around and came to get me there. I called Mom to let her know about the delay.... she sounded reeeeaaaaallly sleeepy. We hung out while, Issi hunted for a camcorder for school. It was just cool to have an unplanned outing. Then we headed to dinner before dropping me off. We were off to the Elephant Bar when Mom started messaging me. Apparently she didn't remember the phone call AT ALL! It was the source of much laughter amongst the four of us.
Anywho, we had a fun dinner I thought, well apart from the plastic whatever in Issi's salad... All and all, it was a totally awesome day!
Visited Nana a times... Couple of those times we went to Kohl's where again they announced shoes getting calls... I still think of poor cancelled Lisa or whomever. Lisa's the name that stuck by the third visit to Kohl's though. We got new comfy pjs! Yay for pjs! Last weekend we actually had to go back though cuz something Mom got (from Nana) still had a security tag on it. We also went to my Aunt Ophelia's... The day actually started out like one of those days ya just wanna crawl back under the covers. Poor Mom had spilled her shake ALL over the place. Got herself dirty, some of the goods Aunt O was selling in her garage sale, and me when I went out to see what happened. She dropped and chipped her compact too.... Yep, time to go back home and under the covers.
I didn't wanna be there at all, so I woulda jumped at the chance! Anywho, the day ended okay...
Weekend before that, I used up the last (almost) of my rewards card to treat Mom, Josh, and myself to two movies. We saw TMNT and the Last Mimzy. I KNEW Josh'd want to see that.... I'm 26 til the 22nd, and he's only a year and two days younger... But we're both just big kids!
But I guess the days of playing Ninja Turtles (with one of my Barbies playing the role of April) and watching the cartoon everyday made Josh a loyal fan. I miss the pizza thrower we used to play with. Okay, so my favorite turtles were always Donnie and Rafe. And I gotta say it was hilarious to see Donnie working as a Tech customer service guy.
Rafe had more tude than I liked, but I still liked that he was still out kickin' ass. I went in thinking, "ah, I don't need to see this movie." But it was fun to watch all the same (and now I know what to get Josh for Christmas).
Mimzy was a cute movie. It's amazing how kids wise and trusting kids can be... Anywho, we went to drop Josh off and ended up hanging out. I forget why we initially lingered, but it was fun. Dad came home, and we were watching a movie and eating dinner. Ah ha, and we rented from Dad's Movie Rental Library.
Te he... Dad, if you're reading this, you'll be glad to know we finished watching the movies we "rented" and started in on the others. We're ready to rent some more though. Te he....
So that was the craziness of March... I'll save April mumblings for my next blog... which hopefully won't be so far away and end up like a full length novel by the time I finish writing... I'ma shut up now. 
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