Hurray! Mom passed this huge test today! She's been studying since she started the job a couple weeks ago. It was really important and she coulda lost her job if she failed twice... But she passed!
I knew she would, but she had doubts. For the first time in weeks, she didn't have to come home and study. I hope she's getting a really good sleep right now.
Jacob came to visit the other day. I was relieve to see him even though I wondered why he was crying for food again. He came for two meals and some treats the lil bugger. He's supposed to be with his owner, so I dunno why he was out. Haven't seen him again, so I'm hoping he's home again. I'm not worried this time though.
I created a deviantART account last week. I love hunting for potential role play pics and some of 'em you can only see if you're a member. So I said, what the hey... But then I couldn't just leave it empty.
I put up the only two landscape shots I took with the digital camera that I have. The others were taken with the film camera and so I couldn't put them up. I also added an old monologue I wrote... I think I posted it here already, so if ya read it no need to rush to see it.
I think I'd like a scanner. Maybe I could scan the old pics I'd taken and maybe some of the stuff I drew too. Anywho, I hope to take more pics and write more so if you'd like to see, here I am:
I've been reading again. Not in the past few days, but last week I was reading alot and I'm hooked on the story again. So, maaaaaybe by the middle of next month I can finish the book (and finally give it back to you, Dad
). I'm already trying to think of which book I'd like to read next. And I'm torn between picking up a loved auther's book or reading books I've borrowed so I can return them. 
Mom and I were being silly online this weekend. We made ourselves into M&M's at Planet M&M's. OMG! We were laughing for over an hour. You can make a movie and everything! So see if you can tell which one is Mom and which is me:
It's survey season... Beware... Every now and then, I just can't resist the urge to fill out those cheesy surveys and post them to you all even though you probably all know that stuff by heart now.
I dunno why I like answering them.... I reckon, I'm just a big ol' dork.
Okay, it's late and I've babbled long enough. Not too mention stalled long enough. I can only put off mopping and putting up a water bottle so long. 
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