Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Cat Lady

Did you ever have a cat lady in your neighborhood? Back in Anaheim, she had like a dozen or two cats who would come in and out of her place. A neighbor and friend of mine once looked after them when the Cat Lady had to go away. She said it was disgusting in ther. None of the cats were fixed and so they tended to spray their vile stuff over everything. Yeah, the Cat Lady was a woman we laughed at or shook our heads at. She lived alone with her cats.

I'm not laughing anymore. Mom and I are cat ladies. Like two old maid sisters out of a book living alone with our cats. We only have Oreo inside, but we feed the neighborhood outside. Two of them actually follow me and talk to me, or maybe that's yell at me for food.

At first, it was just neighbor's cats coming to visit Oreo. No big deal, right? Well those cats have moved on. Now its just the strays. The strays that look in at Oreo with their patheric little faces. Mom says, "awww, feed the babies, Carisa. They're so little." So I do, cuz lets face it, I can't stand to see those hungry little eyes anymore than she can.

Ya get to seeing regulars showing up. So now I've named them. Scrapper, he's a mini Oreo with a chewed up ear. Little Face, the beige and brown kitty with a brown mask over his face. He/She (they're all he/she's cuz I dun know the difference) started staring up at me whenever he saw me. Spot's a grey and white cat with a white, odd-shaped spot on his back. Little Face, Spot, and a smaller version of Little Face all run together. The tiny one I see not so often. I dunno where their mama went. Anyway. That's "the tribe" or "Oreo's Possey" depending on the day.

Chrissi said, you're not supposed to feed strays, but how can I not feed them? They're just little babies. And they squeak at me. I even started playing with Little Face and Spot (through the door of course) with a lil twist tie they try and catch. They're still too skiddish to let me touch them, but they'll dart around my legs when I come out with food. Scrapper gets so close he almost trips me.

So I've been adopted by the tribe.... I'm this neighborhood's Cat Lady. Yay me....

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