It was only going to be temporary. We needed a place fast and it was the first one to accept pets that we thought was nice.... Key word being thought. Two years later (actually 2yrs and a month but who's counting?), we now know different. We've had two owners, the recent of which has gone from landlording themselves to having a property management company doing it for them and back to landlording themeselves.
Whether it was Patrick or Angela, gardening around here's never been consistant so the once purdy grass lawns look like crap. Any repairs or maintenance required "pulling teeth", "arm twisting", or just plain withholding rent. The quiet neighborhood turned VERY quickly into hoodlum central. Prior to our moving in a family with a teenager or two moved nearby, bringing all his friends out to hang out right in front of our apartment.
Over the past two years, both Mom and I feel this place sucking the life out of us. If it wasn't frustration with dealing with the owners to get stuff down, it was the lack of safeness with the teenagers always hanging around. Depending on who was here (as teens have moved and new ones come in), there were pot smokers in our yard or under our window... tagging the building or the garages out back... and every few months someone gets shot. Cops come by regularly. But of course it's just a badge of honor to get pulled over.
This place is too small, too aggravating, and not safe at all.... And NOW the rent is going up. For this dump? No frelling way! The place is a trap and it's killing us. So we're desperately trying to move....
As if living in this shithole wasn't enough of a reason to want to scream... I HATE apartment hunting. "No pets!" "No parking." "Already rented out." Too expensive..... Moving from one ghetto to another... The endless calling.... And what's the matter with people? They want to rent out places but they NEVER pick up the damn phone? And come on! They can't get a f***ing answering machine or voicemail???
We've made it to the tour and application stage four times. We only submitted one application and we got turned down. That was a blow. But I think it hurt more because of how badly we want out.... The whole process is depressing. The more calls I make with "no"s at the end, the more frustrated I get. Every place we visit and kinda like but then find it isn't for us, the more I want to just scream.... Every number I call that doesn't even answer makes me want to through all the papers and my phone with it.
So this is depression.... Okay, I don't really know if it is or not. But I've gone from destructive moods of wanting to hurt someone or break something to totally depressed moods ending in tears. I've stopped caring about anything. I don't sleep at any regular schedule now... I throw myself full time online to escape the shithole and the frustration of trying to escape the shithole. I've fallen into a pit... I'm trying to climb out and I'm holding out hope that I can get out.... But I'm getting tired and may soon give in to just stay put. I'm almost at the point of saying f*** it, we'll live here til we can afford to leave.
I miss Anaheim. I REALLY miss Anaheim. I know Orange County. I feel safe there. I can get around there. I know how to be independent there without fear. Why oh why must it be so damned expensive to live there? Okay... I suppose I've babbled on long enough... Just needed to get some of it out of my system.
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