Well wasn't today fun.
No really... I love getting next to no sleep, court house hopping, and lets not forget the biggie... breaking and entering... Yep, gotta be my favorite.
Alright, now most of the time I keep rather stupid sleeping hours. This morning, I had planned to go to sleep after doing the dishes at 5am.. Yeah, I know, I'm weird to do them so late. Anywho, I got done and I was soooo hot. Normal person might have showered to cool off and get clean. Well unless I am litterally melting, I take my showers in the morning. Plus Mom was using our one and only bathroom to get ready for work. Couldna gotten in her way.
I got distracted... In waiting for my body to cool down, I was reading Pride and Prejudice... Got to chapter 36/37, btw, after only starting it last Wednesday. I got sooo involved into reading, that even while nodding off I kept trying to finish the chapter. By the time I did get into bed, it was like 845am. Later than planned, but still managable with at least a 4 or 5 hours of sleep... So I set my alarm accordingly...
Two hours later, I get a call from Mom. She needs me to run an errand or try to... Joy, so much for sleeping... My fault, I know, but still. Okay fine. Two hours later, I've showered, gotten ready, and gotten a ride to the dreaded court house.
We were on our way out when I did something I haven't done in ages... I locked myself out!
The dreaded court house.... We can't find the room number. The building is funny.. I mean several room numbers were missing... Anywho, we go back downstairs to a impatient lady who tells us we're at the wrong court house... Joy. So we emptied our pockets (metal detectors) for nothing. Okay, fine. We went to the other court house. There's a line just to get in!!! Again with more metal detectors... Then at last a line to wait in at the correct room... When I got up there it was all in and out easy peazy... Whew, thank God for small favors.
Outing ended with lunch with Dad.
Lessons learned:
Mail in all court house business whenever possible.
Double check for everything before leaving your home. (which for the record I usually triple check.. We'll call it sleep deprived, okay?)
Lock windows before leaving, cuz it wasn't too hard to get in.(which admittedly was good for me in this case)
Anywho... Got home and started cooking for dinner... Mom showed up. I've left the B&E out of the retelling of the story to her... Don't think she'd like that part. There was some more visiting with all three of us (well when I wasn't cooking). And yeah... That was my day. 
(I do think it's funny that I broke into my place and then went to the court house.. obviously they wouldna known or cared.. it's just funny to this lil nerd in me.
Hahahahhahha... You shoulda just told her about the B & E... Then took a picture of her reaction... =))
Posted by Melissa Tian on 07 Jun 06 Wednesday - 1:48 PM
"Hey, Mom, I have a confession to make...."
"Okay, but why do you have that camera?"
Actually, she hates getting her picture taken, so I'd never get the shot.
Posted by Relaya on 07 Jun 06 Wednesday - 2:00 PM
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