Monday, June 12, 2006

Just.... Yimenies...

Oy, what a weekend. Overall good, but geesh, there were some "interesting" moments. Moments that make ya wanna scream, curse, or just go "ugh". And I'm sure I did a lil of all.

Friday's clean sheet day. Y'know the one day a week ya put on clean sheets. Well, I thought, I'll flip the mattress today too. It needed it. It hadn't gotten done in a while. So, I thought, why not. Not a fun task under better circumstances. Realy not fun in my tiny room. With no help, cuz like I was home alone, I attempted to slide the mattress off the bed and then walk it back on to slide it down the oposite way. There was no room to turn it around and just flip it like normal people might.

One "foot" on, one "foot" hanging off the box-spring and the damn mattress gets stuck against the light fixture on the ceiling. Okay, so this wasn't the brightest of plans. Meh, too late now. I give it a gentle tug to get it unstuck. Nope... Another bad idea, but again. TOO LATE.

~glass shatters~

The light fixture broke and the pieces rained down all over the box spring, the carpet, and for a second I thought my head. First checked my head, then the mattress. Both glass free, I slip on some shoes, that were thankfully really close by, and move the mattress out of the room and now glass zone.

After picking up as many of the big pieces as possible, I started shouting out the colorful language. This thing couldn't just have broken.. Oh no, it had to shatter. After much grumbling, I pulled out the vacuum cleaner. No way was I gonna try and pick up the tiny pieces any other way. Hears my real irritation. I'd just vacuumed the whole apartment the day before!!!

Now I'm exhausted, cuz I had to lift the box spring up to make sure nothing was stuck to it or hiding underneath. But at last all the visible glass is gone, the box spring is back on, and the mattress is again on the bed. The mattress never got flipped, cuz I was too tired to try it again and plus I didn't want to shatter the actual lightbulb which had survived the first attempt.

Throughout the bedmaking, I kept finding more glass... So the vacuum wasn't put away til I was COMPLETELY certain anything that would pop out and hurt us was gone. Thankfully, the rest of Friday went on uneventfully.

Saturday, on the other hand, was a different story. The plan was to go to San Diego to visit Chrissi's (and kinda mine) friend, Christopher. I can't even recall last time we saw him. All I do remember is constantly teasing him.. We both did. He's just soooo easy to tease.

Anywho, we left at like noon something. I was waiting for Mom and the one and only gate key to come home, otherwise we woulda left earlier. But c'est la vie. It never came home, nor did she, so we left. Traffic was ummm... there. Yep, yep, shoulda left earlier. Anywho.. Getting there, not counting traffic, wasn't too bad. Hey, I even managed to stay awake for almost all of the ride... Actually, I don't recall nodding off once.

We got there, and after the usual moments of "long time no see" awkwardness and a quick greeting of the parents, we all headed out to eat lunch. Cheescake Factory. Mmmmm... I don't really need to add to that, except it was so darn funny. I ordered a salad..the lunch size even, and it turned out to be a GIANT salad. I mean there was two meals in there! We all ate like half our lunch, so we could have room for the cheesecake we'd already picked out while waiting to be seated.

Beyond well fed, we all went to Seaport Village. It was soo nice there! Lotsa lil shops, nice view.. Just a lovely little atmosphere to the place. Wish I'd remember my camera. It was fun... Christopher was far less dorky than we recalled. He was growing up... Awwww....

A dull trip to a mall followed... A trip my feet sorely regretted... We took our Cherry Lemonades and headed home. Chris lives on the farthest side of San Diego... This led to scary fun later on the way home. One wrong turn and we nearly ended up in Mexico! We had no clue we were heading 15 minutes in the wrong direction til we saw "Next Exit Last US Exit". Sufficiently freaked, we did get off the freeway and got correct directions.

Okay, I confess... I did start nodding off on the way home... I tried to stay awake as much as possible though. We headed to Chrissi's place and her mom took me home. I still say overall it was a fun outing.. Sucks that the directions weren't clear for our return trip... Caused a lot of unnecessary unhappiness.

Sunday was spent louging around. This woulda been great except we were supposed to go do errands. Le oops. So, yeah, it was an "interesting" weekend. Full of laughter, tears, aggrivated yells, and screams. Yes, I'm a dork. And what do you think you are? Reading this waaaaay too long blog of mine.

Note: This damn thing took three tries to post. Myspace kept wigging on me!

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