I am getting to really know the hallway to the San Pedro court house. And I don't mind telling you, I don't like it. I've now spent two wonderful lengthy visits to that hallway with its uber uncomfortable benches. My first visit was thoroughly frustrating and generally pissed me off, so we won't go into details into that awful day. But needless to say, I spent all day there. Yes, all day. Waiting for one thing or another. I spent it in that hallway on those hard wooden benches they have lining the one wall. I paced it back and forth, I slept at various parts of this wall bench. I attempted to read. I IMed Slick, which mind you was my only saving grace that day. I people watched. I'm pretty sure people will start to know me if I return for a third visit. From 8/8:30a.m. to about 2/2:30p.m. with little food and only moola to pay for what I was there to pay for. My second visit wasn't so long, thankfully. But today, or technically now yesterday, I did get to revisit my old friend... The court house hallway and its loverly wall bench. I didn't spend all two or three hours in that hallway though. Not this time... Too many trips to the meter to keep coming back upstairs. So instead I got to listen to the guards at the entrance banter and chat with each other and other regulars. I tell ya, any longer and they might have started chatting with me. Oh, but wait.. I was reading. Happily reading this time. That's a good thing I guess. I've finally gotten past that point in my book where it isn't annoying to have the pages keep falling out (Dad, what DID you do to your book.. The glue on the binding is all but giving up.) and finally getting caught up in it. So I guees if I had to go back to that courthouse, I could just read again instead of visiting the hallway. Hmmm... this definitely turned into more of a babble/ramble than I thought it was going to. Maybe I should have gone to bed like I told fae I was going to. In our next episode I may really tell ya about that poor kitten we had to give up that ya probably didn't know we had.... Okay, going to go move my vampires and go mimi, like I said I'd do an hour ago.. Oh but maybe a lil RP post.... Ummm... Nah.. don't wanna babble RP style.. could be funny but not cool. :P
WTF did you go to the courthouse for if you did not want to be there? Or Rather, WTF did you stay there if you did not want to be there?
Posted by Josh on 11 Nov 05 Friday - 10:52 AM
Oh, you know... Everyone has to spend a little time in the court house at some point in their life.... For Mom, of course!!!! The one day I was trying to take care of something for her. And the second day cuz I was there for moral support only I wasn't allowed in the court room cuz it was jam packed... Yep, ifn ya break the rules or get thought of as breakin the rules, prepare to be turned into a sardine.
Posted by Relaya on 11 Nov 05 Friday - 3:23 PM
you didn't go to bed like you said you would?! i'm very disappointed in you, missy. what have you got to say for yourself, huh? :-P
oh yeah, and courthouses = >.<
Posted by Bizabob on 13 Nov 05 Sunday - 3:10 PM
Friday, November 11, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Man With White Hair
A big man with a head full of white hair, a white mustache to match, and eyes that always seemed to smile. That's how I choose to remember him. Looney Tunes, the Ten Commandments, and toys scattered across the dashboard. These the few things that always seem to remind me of him. A well kept yard with fruit trees. BBQing carne asada. That's what I recall whenever we visited him. I know so little about him and saw him only once in a blue moon. But I loved him and I know he loved me. I remember for my high school graduation he mailed me a gift. It was a simple '98 pendant and it came only with the name card from the announcements, but on the back was written a simple Spanish endearment. I may not remember what the word was now, but I still have that card in a memory box and I still remember what it meant to me the day I opened it. I was told he was once in a bar or something with John Wayne. I wonder what else he did. So much I didn't know. From what Mom tells me, he didn't tell her much either. It is a shame we couldn't have visited more often. Even when we finally got a vehicle that could make the drive, it was too late. Maybe one day I'll ask Mom to tell me more about Tata. He's had white hair for as long as I've known him. Always combed the same way. Always had the same mustache... His wardrobe was the same. Nothing ever changed. I swear his eyes always seemed to smile at me. Have you ever seen eyes that smile? I couldn't understand much of what he said. He spoke little English when we visited, and when he did, he had an accent that wasn't the easiest to understand. Still there were times I understood him better than the Spanish speakers at the table. Okay so they were rare, but I remember them. I remember one time when he came to visit. He stayed at our place that night. Used to his early morning rising, he got up and got ready. He left the front door open without any of us realizing. I was getting ready in my room and in walked this stray cat. All the way to my room it walked and no one had stopped it. When asked, Tata thought maybe it was our cat. Bold kitty, if you ask me. Cat shooed away, Tata all ready, the visit ended soon after. Always the way.. Short visits unless we were staying at his house in Calexico. I'm choosing to remember this man, whom I've always felt love from, the way I've written him to be. I pray that in time, I will forget the ugliness and hurt that surrounded his passing and the care taken after. Now I believe certain things. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. My body is mearely a temple for my spirit. And when we die that body is nothing but an empty shell. But the disrespect for his wishes and the people he loved was just ugly. So I pray I will forget it all and think only of the good memories of this big white haired man I called Tata. Note: For those of you who don't know... My Tata died four weeks ago this very day. He was my Mother's Father and he will be missed greatly.
Friday, July 29, 2005
You can't choose the family you get...
A ridiculous statement really. Okay, you can't choose the family you are related to by blood, that is true. But how many people in our lives have we felt were more family than our real relatives? Friends that feel more like sisters and brothers, stronger than even that best friend status. Or how about all those aunts and uncles who weren't really aunts and uncles.
Well this is for my Aunt Patty, my mother's friend of oh so many years.....
This was going to be a vent with a happy ending... But well, it turned itno my usual odd silliness.
The Pumpkin Coach
Far, far away, in the not so nice part of the kingdom, our fair princess and her beautiful mother resided. Having no king at her side, nor a king's fortunes to grant their every wish. Their mode of transportation was a used pumpkin coach that they them selves had to drive. It was big, and it was rotting each day. The pretty leaves and vines ornately decorating the coach had little by little fallen off. The heat of summer made the pumpkin coach an almost unbearable ride.
But the beautiful mother and the fair princess were forced to drive their used coach for it was given to them when they had none. With each passing moon seemed to bring yet another problem with the coach. It wasn't even suitable for harvesting at this point. Throwing the pumpkin over a cliff was the only thing this coach was good for. It creaked and smelled (yes I know you can imagine a stinking pumpkin, but go with me on the creaking part).
The beautiful mother tried to be patient, but felt she had no choice but to call upon aid of the Step-Mother. She wasn't evil per se, but she could be cruel and unfeeling when she wanted to be. On one occassion, the Step-Mother was generous in word. You see, the beautiful mother was taking queen classes to hopefully find a position as one of the kingdom's queens. And the Step-Mother promised a brand new royal pumpkin coach upon her daughter's acquiring of said queen position.
Time passed and the day of the crowning was coming. But they had one requirement left of her before allowing her to finish her queen classes. She had to serve as queen in some other kingdom for one month. Well now in all the other kingdoms, they only wanted queens with kings and to find a kingdom that differed would take too long. So the aspiring queen bid farewell to that dream and went on to find another position to fill.
Patience and perseverance and she found a job at a distant coach dealership. Yes it was a cruel trick. She helped others get the coaches of their dreams, while hers was held together with old magic dust. But she kept going. The beautiful mother had held her head high and kept bearing with her poor mode of transportation. Soon, she'd buy a new one.
If only, the magic dust could have waited that long. The pumpkin coach was falling to pieces. And was no longer a safe coach to ride. Concerned, the beautiful mother went once more to ask for aid of the Step-Mother. Her petition was granted, but relunctantly so. For one day, she rode in a top of the line glass coach. But she was warned to never let it happen again.
The pumpkin got patched, and again, the princess and mother rode in it. But it was a poor fix for a dying pumpkin. And again, there was a need to borrow another coach or get a ride. The Step-Mother turned cold and refused to even lend one of the older coaches. Upset and worried, the beautiful mother drove on with her pumpkin coach.
Her feelings from the morning stayed with her making an entire day at the coach dealership seem as though it were the worst place to work at. And to make matters worse, a palace guard stopped her for driving a coach without footmen. It was minor, but one more thing on an already bad day.
The princess opened the gates to welcome the beautiful mother home. A hug later and tears were flowing. Both were now upset with the selfish Step-Mother. But aside from offering comfort nothing more could be done.
Now for many years, the mother had befriended a fairy godmother. The two were almost sisters at times. And even the princess felt this godmother was like an aunt. Truth be told, the two families all shared similar feelings.
As if she knew, the fairy godmother came in to lift up the beautiful mother. She told her, "you'll know what it is like to ride in a brand new coach. A coach strong and sturdy enough to travel to the distant lands and visit your father. And you won't need to worry about financing it. I shall make that go away. Bear with it a little longer and you shall have cause to smile again." And like that she was gone, to return another day to keep good on her word.
Well now both mother and daughter were stunned to tears. Afterall, she wasn't even their fairy godmother and yet she granted them with this wish. So generous and kind, she gave without a thought.
For now, the fair princess and the beautiful mother look forward to the day they can cast their pumpkin coach over a cliff and watch it go "Splat!", cause well, that's all it's good for at this point.
Stay tuned and see what really happens....
Thank God for blessing us with "family" we weren't born with.
awesome story, fwend:)
Posted by sarah on 08 Aug 05 Monday - 6:43 AM
Well this is for my Aunt Patty, my mother's friend of oh so many years.....
This was going to be a vent with a happy ending... But well, it turned itno my usual odd silliness.
The Pumpkin Coach
Far, far away, in the not so nice part of the kingdom, our fair princess and her beautiful mother resided. Having no king at her side, nor a king's fortunes to grant their every wish. Their mode of transportation was a used pumpkin coach that they them selves had to drive. It was big, and it was rotting each day. The pretty leaves and vines ornately decorating the coach had little by little fallen off. The heat of summer made the pumpkin coach an almost unbearable ride.
But the beautiful mother and the fair princess were forced to drive their used coach for it was given to them when they had none. With each passing moon seemed to bring yet another problem with the coach. It wasn't even suitable for harvesting at this point. Throwing the pumpkin over a cliff was the only thing this coach was good for. It creaked and smelled (yes I know you can imagine a stinking pumpkin, but go with me on the creaking part).
The beautiful mother tried to be patient, but felt she had no choice but to call upon aid of the Step-Mother. She wasn't evil per se, but she could be cruel and unfeeling when she wanted to be. On one occassion, the Step-Mother was generous in word. You see, the beautiful mother was taking queen classes to hopefully find a position as one of the kingdom's queens. And the Step-Mother promised a brand new royal pumpkin coach upon her daughter's acquiring of said queen position.
Time passed and the day of the crowning was coming. But they had one requirement left of her before allowing her to finish her queen classes. She had to serve as queen in some other kingdom for one month. Well now in all the other kingdoms, they only wanted queens with kings and to find a kingdom that differed would take too long. So the aspiring queen bid farewell to that dream and went on to find another position to fill.
Patience and perseverance and she found a job at a distant coach dealership. Yes it was a cruel trick. She helped others get the coaches of their dreams, while hers was held together with old magic dust. But she kept going. The beautiful mother had held her head high and kept bearing with her poor mode of transportation. Soon, she'd buy a new one.
If only, the magic dust could have waited that long. The pumpkin coach was falling to pieces. And was no longer a safe coach to ride. Concerned, the beautiful mother went once more to ask for aid of the Step-Mother. Her petition was granted, but relunctantly so. For one day, she rode in a top of the line glass coach. But she was warned to never let it happen again.
The pumpkin got patched, and again, the princess and mother rode in it. But it was a poor fix for a dying pumpkin. And again, there was a need to borrow another coach or get a ride. The Step-Mother turned cold and refused to even lend one of the older coaches. Upset and worried, the beautiful mother drove on with her pumpkin coach.
Her feelings from the morning stayed with her making an entire day at the coach dealership seem as though it were the worst place to work at. And to make matters worse, a palace guard stopped her for driving a coach without footmen. It was minor, but one more thing on an already bad day.
The princess opened the gates to welcome the beautiful mother home. A hug later and tears were flowing. Both were now upset with the selfish Step-Mother. But aside from offering comfort nothing more could be done.
Now for many years, the mother had befriended a fairy godmother. The two were almost sisters at times. And even the princess felt this godmother was like an aunt. Truth be told, the two families all shared similar feelings.
As if she knew, the fairy godmother came in to lift up the beautiful mother. She told her, "you'll know what it is like to ride in a brand new coach. A coach strong and sturdy enough to travel to the distant lands and visit your father. And you won't need to worry about financing it. I shall make that go away. Bear with it a little longer and you shall have cause to smile again." And like that she was gone, to return another day to keep good on her word.
Well now both mother and daughter were stunned to tears. Afterall, she wasn't even their fairy godmother and yet she granted them with this wish. So generous and kind, she gave without a thought.
For now, the fair princess and the beautiful mother look forward to the day they can cast their pumpkin coach over a cliff and watch it go "Splat!", cause well, that's all it's good for at this point.
Stay tuned and see what really happens....
Thank God for blessing us with "family" we weren't born with.
awesome story, fwend:)
Posted by sarah on 08 Aug 05 Monday - 6:43 AM
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Yeah, let's give morons fireworks.... Genius idea!
So, the 4th of July came and went this year. I gotta say this was one of the worst ones I've ever seen. Not that, I always have a good or bad 4th. This one just stood out as one of the crappiest. And evidently, it isn't even fully over in my neighborhood.
Our plans got cancelled along with appartently much of LB's firework displays. Not a big deal. Really. I've spent quite a few 4th's without fireworks. Now I do LOVE fireworks.... But I know I'll eventually see them again at say Disneyland one of these days... It would have been nice to see them Monday, but no biggie. We couldn't even go out to see a movie. The only one we wanted to see was one we saw already (BTW, we LOVED War of the Worlds).
Not having plans for that night wasn't really a problem... Mom had to start a new job the next day, anyway. Not to mention, I was beginning to worry about leaving the place and cat un-attended for the night. And my instincts were proven right.
I just adore people who think they can set up there own firework displays. I mean, it is just awesome the way they show a complete lack of safety for property and children. It should be illegal to even sell these small time firecrackers.
Now, the neighborhood kids had been letting us sample the sound effects of these firecrackers since Friday. Awfully nice of them, really. Setting off car alarms. Even being so inconsiderate as to set them out in front of our window. Or in the alley next to parked cars when the cops came to shoo them away from the sidewalks... Ticketted, I heard. But that didn't detour them.
So back to Monday, when the whole neighborhood got involved. Not uncommon really. Except they were doing this on the sidewalk next to FLAMABLE lawn right outside OUR window. Some of them, I swear might have shot directly over our roof.. Now that's the last thing we need. An apartment on fire.
The fireworks went on for hours. And what little I saw of it, wasn't even all that great. I gotta say, I was so nervous and angry for like 2 hours straight. I couldn't even get Oreo out from under the bed to hide him in the closet a lil quieter for him. Poor kitty... They'd stop and he'd dare to venture out, only to flee minutes later.
Strays went on for hours more, but I had calmed down by then... And whoopee for me, the strays haven't stopped yet. Yes, I said yet.... It is now a full week of firecrackers that I have had the pleasure of enjoying... Will the torture of 4th of July never end???
Our plans got cancelled along with appartently much of LB's firework displays. Not a big deal. Really. I've spent quite a few 4th's without fireworks. Now I do LOVE fireworks.... But I know I'll eventually see them again at say Disneyland one of these days... It would have been nice to see them Monday, but no biggie. We couldn't even go out to see a movie. The only one we wanted to see was one we saw already (BTW, we LOVED War of the Worlds).
Not having plans for that night wasn't really a problem... Mom had to start a new job the next day, anyway. Not to mention, I was beginning to worry about leaving the place and cat un-attended for the night. And my instincts were proven right.
I just adore people who think they can set up there own firework displays. I mean, it is just awesome the way they show a complete lack of safety for property and children. It should be illegal to even sell these small time firecrackers.
Now, the neighborhood kids had been letting us sample the sound effects of these firecrackers since Friday. Awfully nice of them, really. Setting off car alarms. Even being so inconsiderate as to set them out in front of our window. Or in the alley next to parked cars when the cops came to shoo them away from the sidewalks... Ticketted, I heard. But that didn't detour them.
So back to Monday, when the whole neighborhood got involved. Not uncommon really. Except they were doing this on the sidewalk next to FLAMABLE lawn right outside OUR window. Some of them, I swear might have shot directly over our roof.. Now that's the last thing we need. An apartment on fire.
The fireworks went on for hours. And what little I saw of it, wasn't even all that great. I gotta say, I was so nervous and angry for like 2 hours straight. I couldn't even get Oreo out from under the bed to hide him in the closet a lil quieter for him. Poor kitty... They'd stop and he'd dare to venture out, only to flee minutes later.
Strays went on for hours more, but I had calmed down by then... And whoopee for me, the strays haven't stopped yet. Yes, I said yet.... It is now a full week of firecrackers that I have had the pleasure of enjoying... Will the torture of 4th of July never end???
Thursday, June 2, 2005
There's a Mouse in my House!!!
Okay, last night or early this morning, however you wanna call it.. It was 3am, about the time I usually do the dishes... Why cuz I am weird. Anywho that is besides the point.
So I was doing the dishes when out of the corner of my eye I see something move from the fridge to the stove. It was dark in color and bigger than a bug and ew... It was a frelling mouse!!! I was hence forward freaked. We tried to get Oreo to find it. But he can only play with stuff he sees and the mouse was well hidden. I spent the rest of the time in the kitchen washing dishes with one eye. The other stared at the floor the mouse crossed.
There is only a few good mice in this world. Mickey Mouse... Mighty Mouse.... Speedy Gonzales... Jerry.... and of course the clicking mouse...

So I was doing the dishes when out of the corner of my eye I see something move from the fridge to the stove. It was dark in color and bigger than a bug and ew... It was a frelling mouse!!! I was hence forward freaked. We tried to get Oreo to find it. But he can only play with stuff he sees and the mouse was well hidden. I spent the rest of the time in the kitchen washing dishes with one eye. The other stared at the floor the mouse crossed.
There is only a few good mice in this world. Mickey Mouse... Mighty Mouse.... Speedy Gonzales... Jerry.... and of course the clicking mouse...
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
A Different Kind of Series of Unfortunate Events
We revisit our fair princess. Actually, she's not fair. She is brown, cuz she is Mexican.... Anyway, we revisit our lovely, yeah there we go, lovely princess. No prince, but with friends like the Mighty Kumquaticus at her side, who needs 'em! Yes all is well. For Kumquaticus whisked her away to a not so far off land, where the adventures began.
Our two young, beautiful, talented, funny, and absolutely brilliant adventurers... Hey, I gotta throw in the copliments where I can, after all it is about me and my fwend. Anywho, again, our two adventurers made their way to a favorite retreat of theirs. They took the Mighty Kumquaticus' spacecraft. Yeah I know, the other tales had the princess on a noble steed... But Kumquaticus had air conditioning and a CD player, so it had to be advanced technology.. It must have been a space ship, cuz that's the only logical answer.
They came upon the dreaded Round About... A terrible and horrifying traffic circle, but don't worry kiddies... Don't get scared.. It isn't as bad as say the Frightening Round Abouts of that scary town of TJ. Kumquaticus braved it well. And to our relief, there was a secret passageway to swiftly pass by unharmed.
The two adventurers talked of many things. One of which was the future of the Mighty Kumquaticus. Yes, you've heard it from me first. She will soon be dubbed the Sheriff of Mervynham! She will right the wrongs of the department store realm and prevent the plague of the five-finger discounts! I am sure she will bring along her trusty sidekick, the Wonder Worm (her straw worm pal). It was exciting news and worthy of proclamation.
At long last, they reached their favorite retreat, Land of the Pizzookie. They were seved immediately, for the peasant their were sooo bored they leapt at the chance to serve someone. Refreshment was brought to them before they had even fully settled in for their continued discussions. We nodded our appreciation of these bored peasants.
It is a well known fact that the princess likes to mutilate her lemons and drown them in water, for the sheer enjoyment of torture and the lemony goodness it provides. It was on her second lemon, that the fateful event happened. The lemon never had a chance. It was beheaded withe a simple squeeze of her fingers. The top of the lemon flew across the room and rolled underneath a chair. Luckily, none of the peasants saw the horror.. But the two adventurers knew what had happened.
It was time to give the peasants what they wanted, payment for services rendered. The Mighty Kumquaticus pulled out the magic card and placed it in the slot. But the card refused to take the charge. A card that refused to do what it was born to do! It didn't want to take charge! It was a worrisome moment, but easily fixed. Kumquaticus with all her mightiness forced the card into its place.
Wishing to get cleaned up before returning to the world beyond the Pizzookie Sanctuary, they ventured off to the fountains of cleanliness. But it seemed there was a troll under the bridge, just waiting to strike out at all those wishing to access the waters. Oh wait, it wasn't a troll... It was a peasant crawling around below, for what, no one knows.
Granted access, the pair washed up. Each going for something to dry off, they encountered the Twiddledee and the Twiddledum of paper towel dispensers. Wave your hand in front of them and out comes some paper towel... But how much? One gave barely enough to dry a finger and one gave enough to dry a whole arm off. The oddity was too much to bear, so they left that place.
Adventures led them to shops, for what would two female adventurers be without shops. A grand shop of books would have and could have devoured them up... But they made it out, having spent only a small amount of their precious magic money.
They passed by the Vile Kohls Keep. A tyrant is known to spread rumors, hoping to incite riots and terror in the lands of Mervynham. He tricks the peasants of Mervynham to come and serve him in noble positions of honor, but find themselves as his slaves! The two adventurers passed by as quickly as possible.
We entered Mervynham and wandered its streets. Kumquaticus stopped at every turn with the princess nearly crashing into her each time. "Use your brake lights, lady," exclaimed the princess. They ventured into Shoe Country.. A pleasant enough place to find stray pairs of shoes.
"Does this match my dress?" And off we went to find it and see. But we were snared into a trap... Purse Plains caught our eyes. Nice plump purses roamed the land. So pretty were they, that Kumquaticus was easily swayed to take one home with her.
We were just about to leave when... What's this? Only one shoe? It was missing its mate! The Mighty Kumquaticus rescued it and reunited the pair. They would look nice in her castle, so she took them home with her.
No trip is ever over without a sweettooth run for a loved one. The princess had to find round sweet dough with holes in the middle for the lovely queen at home. They came across a baker who could make these magical goodies of goodness. But when they approached the shop, it was both open and closed. The doors were open, but the bars inside were locked... How odd. No matter, the donuts purchased, the two went on their way.
They found the land of the pets! Kumquaticus had a kitty to please with treats and in search we went. We stumbled upon sharks who were frightened of us! Well now, of course who wouldn't cower at our might... But they were sharks and they huddled in corners of their tanks like we meant to eat them. We left them to their shame and fear. It was all for the cat that we wanted.. Pet grass was next on the list. I wonder if it is like Pet Weed?
They were now heading home. It had been a long evening of adventures. And happily they made there way back to their respective castles. But first they faced the return trip through the dreaded Round About. It was much more dangerous going the other way.. But they made it through in one piece once more!
The princess' belongings gathered she shouted for the draw bridge to be openeed. She turned back and saw it... Rather heard it, cuz we all know our princess is a little blind especially with bright spaceship lights on. Someone was talking to the Mighty Kumquaticus.
The princess later found out what it was all about. It was a peacekeeper who had stopped Kumquaticus. He questioned her about being in this part of the realm... It was true the castle was in a virtual see of ruins and criminals ran rampant. He asked her if she had wheat on her plate... It was a Kansas plate, so naturally it should have wheat on it. Smiling and nodding, she endured the silliness.
Then the peacekeeper informed her of a local weed dealer in this part of Cheapside and that he would put an end to it once he found it. With that their exchange ended, and off she went to her own castle.
It was a long series of events... Long and strange and funny... A night neither would forget anytime soon... But maybe that is because it is now being blogged. One may never know.
brilliant! yet another creative triumph for my dear fwend! we shall have to venture out together again soon:D
Posted by sarah on 02 Jun 05 Thursday - 11:03 AM
Our two young, beautiful, talented, funny, and absolutely brilliant adventurers... Hey, I gotta throw in the copliments where I can, after all it is about me and my fwend. Anywho, again, our two adventurers made their way to a favorite retreat of theirs. They took the Mighty Kumquaticus' spacecraft. Yeah I know, the other tales had the princess on a noble steed... But Kumquaticus had air conditioning and a CD player, so it had to be advanced technology.. It must have been a space ship, cuz that's the only logical answer.
They came upon the dreaded Round About... A terrible and horrifying traffic circle, but don't worry kiddies... Don't get scared.. It isn't as bad as say the Frightening Round Abouts of that scary town of TJ. Kumquaticus braved it well. And to our relief, there was a secret passageway to swiftly pass by unharmed.
The two adventurers talked of many things. One of which was the future of the Mighty Kumquaticus. Yes, you've heard it from me first. She will soon be dubbed the Sheriff of Mervynham! She will right the wrongs of the department store realm and prevent the plague of the five-finger discounts! I am sure she will bring along her trusty sidekick, the Wonder Worm (her straw worm pal). It was exciting news and worthy of proclamation.
At long last, they reached their favorite retreat, Land of the Pizzookie. They were seved immediately, for the peasant their were sooo bored they leapt at the chance to serve someone. Refreshment was brought to them before they had even fully settled in for their continued discussions. We nodded our appreciation of these bored peasants.
It is a well known fact that the princess likes to mutilate her lemons and drown them in water, for the sheer enjoyment of torture and the lemony goodness it provides. It was on her second lemon, that the fateful event happened. The lemon never had a chance. It was beheaded withe a simple squeeze of her fingers. The top of the lemon flew across the room and rolled underneath a chair. Luckily, none of the peasants saw the horror.. But the two adventurers knew what had happened.
It was time to give the peasants what they wanted, payment for services rendered. The Mighty Kumquaticus pulled out the magic card and placed it in the slot. But the card refused to take the charge. A card that refused to do what it was born to do! It didn't want to take charge! It was a worrisome moment, but easily fixed. Kumquaticus with all her mightiness forced the card into its place.
Wishing to get cleaned up before returning to the world beyond the Pizzookie Sanctuary, they ventured off to the fountains of cleanliness. But it seemed there was a troll under the bridge, just waiting to strike out at all those wishing to access the waters. Oh wait, it wasn't a troll... It was a peasant crawling around below, for what, no one knows.
Granted access, the pair washed up. Each going for something to dry off, they encountered the Twiddledee and the Twiddledum of paper towel dispensers. Wave your hand in front of them and out comes some paper towel... But how much? One gave barely enough to dry a finger and one gave enough to dry a whole arm off. The oddity was too much to bear, so they left that place.
Adventures led them to shops, for what would two female adventurers be without shops. A grand shop of books would have and could have devoured them up... But they made it out, having spent only a small amount of their precious magic money.
They passed by the Vile Kohls Keep. A tyrant is known to spread rumors, hoping to incite riots and terror in the lands of Mervynham. He tricks the peasants of Mervynham to come and serve him in noble positions of honor, but find themselves as his slaves! The two adventurers passed by as quickly as possible.
We entered Mervynham and wandered its streets. Kumquaticus stopped at every turn with the princess nearly crashing into her each time. "Use your brake lights, lady," exclaimed the princess. They ventured into Shoe Country.. A pleasant enough place to find stray pairs of shoes.
"Does this match my dress?" And off we went to find it and see. But we were snared into a trap... Purse Plains caught our eyes. Nice plump purses roamed the land. So pretty were they, that Kumquaticus was easily swayed to take one home with her.
We were just about to leave when... What's this? Only one shoe? It was missing its mate! The Mighty Kumquaticus rescued it and reunited the pair. They would look nice in her castle, so she took them home with her.
No trip is ever over without a sweettooth run for a loved one. The princess had to find round sweet dough with holes in the middle for the lovely queen at home. They came across a baker who could make these magical goodies of goodness. But when they approached the shop, it was both open and closed. The doors were open, but the bars inside were locked... How odd. No matter, the donuts purchased, the two went on their way.
They found the land of the pets! Kumquaticus had a kitty to please with treats and in search we went. We stumbled upon sharks who were frightened of us! Well now, of course who wouldn't cower at our might... But they were sharks and they huddled in corners of their tanks like we meant to eat them. We left them to their shame and fear. It was all for the cat that we wanted.. Pet grass was next on the list. I wonder if it is like Pet Weed?
They were now heading home. It had been a long evening of adventures. And happily they made there way back to their respective castles. But first they faced the return trip through the dreaded Round About. It was much more dangerous going the other way.. But they made it through in one piece once more!
The princess' belongings gathered she shouted for the draw bridge to be openeed. She turned back and saw it... Rather heard it, cuz we all know our princess is a little blind especially with bright spaceship lights on. Someone was talking to the Mighty Kumquaticus.
The princess later found out what it was all about. It was a peacekeeper who had stopped Kumquaticus. He questioned her about being in this part of the realm... It was true the castle was in a virtual see of ruins and criminals ran rampant. He asked her if she had wheat on her plate... It was a Kansas plate, so naturally it should have wheat on it. Smiling and nodding, she endured the silliness.
Then the peacekeeper informed her of a local weed dealer in this part of Cheapside and that he would put an end to it once he found it. With that their exchange ended, and off she went to her own castle.
It was a long series of events... Long and strange and funny... A night neither would forget anytime soon... But maybe that is because it is now being blogged. One may never know.
brilliant! yet another creative triumph for my dear fwend! we shall have to venture out together again soon:D
Posted by sarah on 02 Jun 05 Thursday - 11:03 AM
Saturday, May 7, 2005
Come, I vant to suck your blood... Bla, bla, bla!!!
I play this game. It started out as a game ya might play like 15 minutes a day tops. It is a very simple little online game that actually reminds me of those really old computer games. Click here, move here, drink blood. In which case all ya really did was axquire blood pints and coins from humans and a blood pint for every fellow vampmire you drank from. There are banks to stash your cash. Shops for weapons and gifts... Yes I said gifts, which I will explain later. Pubs to drink in and get the latest rumors from the barman. And guilds to learn new powers in. Now I was content to wander the city streets peacefully drinking the blood of humans and taking their coins. I did have the good sense to deposit my money whenever I came across a bank, or if I had a lot I would ask a human for directions. I was oblivious as to how to efficiently get to guilds and stuff or make good use of the vast amounts of coins I was acquiring. But then I was invited to join a clan. I learned A there is a whole RP side to the game taking place outside via yahoo groups and B there is sooo much more than going around and drinking blood. There are clans and clan wars. Binding of companions, hence the gifts of flowers or even a diamond ring. So now I RP in one of these groups (a training dojo for a clan) and have become quite a strong 'pire with many powers and much knowledge. Why am I writing about this silly game? Well, it is kinda the only thing I am thinking about today. And I am hoping to entise some of you to step into the dark alleyways with me and become my childer. Childer? Vampires sire childer. So come play the simple game with me. Or if the RP side appeals to you, maybe I can get you into my dojo. Click the link, allow me to bite you and bring you over to my side... Bla bla bla!!! Vampires! The Dark Alleyway Oh and just so ya have an idea of what the game looks like, here is a screenshot of a prank we players all got to see.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Oh, I am a genius!
So for those of you who don't know... I am going to a concert this Friday... My first real concert. I'm looking forward to it. We got tickets to see Cher, her second last tour. :P We ordered the tickets like within the 45 minutes it took to sell out. Both Mom and I sat there calling and checking online... It was insane! Then later that day we heard how fast they sold out. A couple days later, we get the tickets delivered by UPS. Mom told me to put them somewhere safe. I'm thinking safe? Right, cuz some burgler is going to raid our tiny apartment for our Cher tickets... But hey whatever.. I still have no idea what her idea of safe place is though. And she wanted me to keep it in the big ol' UPS envelope. That I don't get... I can probably keep track of it without the big ol' cardboard envelope. But whatever... Not knowing where to put it in my room, I just put it in the desk. Again, for those of you who haven't seen our place, we have one of those rolltop desks. The Desk
Anywho.... It went on unnoticed there off to the side in one of the few spare spots. One day I pulled 'em out to show Mom for some reason. Well, when I put them back. I guess I put them too close to the top. When ya open and closed it, that envelope just kept getting pushed further and further back until it was all the way shoved to that back compartment where only the rolling lid goes. Not cool. It took me about two hours to pull out two very yellow unused envelopes and one UPS envelope. How? I put first a pair of scissors in a bag with a draw string and then wrapped it with tape, sticky side out. When that stopped working, a ruler replaced the scissors. Shoving these back there, opening and closing the lid to smush the paper objects against the tape, then tugging on the draw string to pull out the bag, taped up object, and hopefully the tickets. My Tools
Thanks to my not paying attention, we nearly lost our very expensive Cher tickets... No refunds or replacements... On the other hand... Thanks to me and my creative ways, I got the tickets back out without having to tear apart a pretty nice desk... All the same, my hands hurt from trying to shove them in spaces they don't fit, the panic was not fun at all, and still I was told to place them some where safe AGAIN. Well, hopefully I did a better job this time.. And I am not gonna tell you all, cuz then you might send a burgler for my Cher tickets.
Anywho.... It went on unnoticed there off to the side in one of the few spare spots. One day I pulled 'em out to show Mom for some reason. Well, when I put them back. I guess I put them too close to the top. When ya open and closed it, that envelope just kept getting pushed further and further back until it was all the way shoved to that back compartment where only the rolling lid goes. Not cool. It took me about two hours to pull out two very yellow unused envelopes and one UPS envelope. How? I put first a pair of scissors in a bag with a draw string and then wrapped it with tape, sticky side out. When that stopped working, a ruler replaced the scissors. Shoving these back there, opening and closing the lid to smush the paper objects against the tape, then tugging on the draw string to pull out the bag, taped up object, and hopefully the tickets. My Tools
Thanks to my not paying attention, we nearly lost our very expensive Cher tickets... No refunds or replacements... On the other hand... Thanks to me and my creative ways, I got the tickets back out without having to tear apart a pretty nice desk... All the same, my hands hurt from trying to shove them in spaces they don't fit, the panic was not fun at all, and still I was told to place them some where safe AGAIN. Well, hopefully I did a better job this time.. And I am not gonna tell you all, cuz then you might send a burgler for my Cher tickets.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Can you escape?
So a friend of mine got me hooked or obsessed with these games/puzzles. But I was victorious! :D So now, I ask you all "Can you escape?" Okay, so these things have been around and some of you may have seen 'em before. But they are still fun. Created by Toshimitsu Takagi. Good luck! Blue Chamber Sorta seen as a prequel, as it came out after the other two but seems simpler. Crimson Room And if ya make it out of that one, here's the sequel: Viridian Room If it doesn't show up in english, just hit refresh. At least that worked for me. So I spent like two days trying to get out of these, but I made it and then proceeded to do a happy dance.. Okay, I didn't. But I did brag to my then only online friend about it... And I of course had shared these links with him, who proceeded to spread them to his sister... Everyone is just loving locking people up to see if they can escape.
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Every neighborhood has its one or maybe even two usual ice cream trucks/carts visiting on an almost daily basis. But how much ice cream can one neighborhood really eat? Since we've moved, we have noticed that this neighborhood can get ice cream or some other form of food just about every hour. Seriously, we have three ice cream trucks. And on most days we even have two food vendors with their carts. I guess this is a good place for business... Especially when, as we discovered, one of our neighbors seems to run out to each and every one of those vendors. Where does it all go? Now we moved here during the end of last summer, and I recall one week we really did want ice cream. Mom would tell me to go and get her some ice cream. Well now I didn't have shoes on, had to find the money... Too late, the truck left. I'd tell her it was okay, because we both knew there'd be another truck soon enough. And if we missed that one, again I'd say "there'll be another one." Even to this day at least I find it funny. So when my friend came over, I asked her if she wanted ice cream.. I was joking as I believe we had just snacked on something... She went with it, and said not now. I told her it was okay, cuz "there'll be another one in an hour." Then I told her, "and if ya don't want one then, there'll be another one in an hour after that." We continued playing games and sure enough an hour later, there was another ice cream truck. I got a "hey, you're right" and I laughted... Now I am going off of memory here and it is kinda late, so this proabably ain't exactly how it went. So ta ta, as I go mimi soon... Anyone want an ice cream before I go?
Monday, February 28, 2005
Not Ashamed
Jesus Test This is an easy test, you score 100 or zero. It's your choice. If you aren't ashamed to do this, please follow the directions. Jesus said, "if you are ashamed of Me, I will be ashamed of you before My Father." Not ashamed Pass this on . . . only if you mean it. Yes, I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. Without Him, I will be nothing. Without Him, I am nothing but with Him "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13 This is the simplest test . . . If you Love God, and are not ashamed of all the marvelous things He has done for you. REPOST IT
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
What is your Battle Cry?
Okay, so I play many online games... many being 3.... And one of these games I get like these news letters from Yahoo Groups... In todays issue, there was this link to see what your battle cry was... Now as it came from the game I used what my character's name in that game, Kila, to create my favorite battle cry...
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