Thursday, June 2, 2005

There's a Mouse in my House!!!

Okay, last night or early this morning, however you wanna call it.. It was 3am, about the time I usually do the dishes... Why cuz I am weird. Anywho that is besides the point.

So I was doing the dishes when out of the corner of my eye I see something move from the fridge to the stove. It was dark in color and bigger than a bug and ew... It was a frelling mouse!!! I was hence forward freaked. We tried to get Oreo to find it. But he can only play with stuff he sees and the mouse was well hidden. I spent the rest of the time in the kitchen washing dishes with one eye. The other stared at the floor the mouse crossed.

There is only a few good mice in this world. Mickey Mouse... Mighty Mouse.... Speedy Gonzales... Jerry.... and of course the clicking mouse...

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