Saturday, May 7, 2005

Come, I vant to suck your blood... Bla, bla, bla!!!

I play this game. It started out as a game ya might play like 15 minutes a day tops. It is a very simple little online game that actually reminds me of those really old computer games. Click here, move here, drink blood. In which case all ya really did was axquire blood pints and coins from humans and a blood pint for every fellow vampmire you drank from. There are banks to stash your cash. Shops for weapons and gifts... Yes I said gifts, which I will explain later. Pubs to drink in and get the latest rumors from the barman. And guilds to learn new powers in. Now I was content to wander the city streets peacefully drinking the blood of humans and taking their coins. I did have the good sense to deposit my money whenever I came across a bank, or if I had a lot I would ask a human for directions. I was oblivious as to how to efficiently get to guilds and stuff or make good use of the vast amounts of coins I was acquiring. But then I was invited to join a clan. I learned A there is a whole RP side to the game taking place outside via yahoo groups and B there is sooo much more than going around and drinking blood. There are clans and clan wars. Binding of companions, hence the gifts of flowers or even a diamond ring. So now I RP in one of these groups (a training dojo for a clan) and have become quite a strong 'pire with many powers and much knowledge. Why am I writing about this silly game? Well, it is kinda the only thing I am thinking about today. And I am hoping to entise some of you to step into the dark alleyways with me and become my childer. Childer? Vampires sire childer. So come play the simple game with me. Or if the RP side appeals to you, maybe I can get you into my dojo. Click the link, allow me to bite you and bring you over to my side... Bla bla bla!!! Vampires! The Dark Alleyway Oh and just so ya have an idea of what the game looks like, here is a screenshot of a prank we players all got to see.

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