Eeeks!!! I can’t believe it’s been over a month since my last blog! For shame!!! My poor neglected blogger and my poor deprived followers. The sad part is I put up more facebook statuses now and I thought I wouldn’t be all into that cuz like what would I post? If I had anything to say, I used to put it here…. So, bad me…
I know there was stuff I was gonna share, but it escapes me now. So, alas, highlights are all you’ll get if I remember that much. It was more than likely nonsensical filler anyway (not that there still won’t be some of that)…
Okay, so what’s been up with me? Issi and I had our last Dis day a couple days before she moved to way far away England. That night while helping with some packing, I saw those spiffy space saver bag things in action. Seriously gotta get us some of those! Left her house with another load of books, an Angels Mickey (which I’d show ya but the pic’s on the other comp) from Issi, and a couple Mickey hair clips I bought. What I didn’t leave with was the laptop she was giving me. Le whoops! But hey, we were tired and it was late.
The details of Daddy Days and Target Tuesdays are mostly blurred together in lots of fun and silliness. We did work on our records for getting home (either to his place on DDs or my place on TTs or DDs) super late! Last weekend we hit the all time high of not even getting to his place until what 6:30pm? That used to be the time we’d be getting ready to leave to head back to my place! :-P TEEHEE!
I did eventually restore my computer all by myself. And it was a successful failure. It was done successfully but failed to fix the problems. But at least now I won’t be so scared if I should ever have to do it again next time. After a week of more crapping out, I gave in to taking the thing back to Best Buy’s Geek Squad to fix it. So last weekend, we took it in and after an overnight analysis they said the hard drive was bad. Joy. So my baby will be gone for weeks. Same weekend, Dad took me to Issi’s to pick up the laptop (and it’s blue! :-D ). After adding memory and virus protection, here I am again. :-D So thank you Issi!!! Thank you Dad!!!
As laptops run hotter than desktops or at least the ones I’ve ever used (old one and this one), I won’t be leaving it on so much. Which means I’ll be doing…gasp…non compy related stuff like….reading!!! :-o I’ve already read 40-50 odd pages or so in the past few days (not counting what I read over the weekend, Dad). And I’m catching up on tapes and movies. Weee…
Have I mentioned I love snail mail? And international mail seems more fun for some weird reason. I am happy to hear Sarah got her card in time (especially since I didn’t send it out as early as I had planned). And I got an awesome postcard from Issi! Snail mail in general is fun, so I may have to break out the stationary again. :-D
An interesting lil event took place just the other day (Tuesday morning). My old neighbor from our last place needed security clearance for his job so he put down references and I was among them since we knew him for a couple years. So the lady from whatever official defense place she came from came to my house for like a ten-minute interview on him. Seems like an awful waste of gas to go driving around for a couple of answers, but whatever. It was interesting and I was glad I could help. He’s a super nice guy so I hope all goes well with his job.
Anywho…. Meant to get this up before the month was up so March wouldn’t be all bare, but ah well… More blogs to come later. Hello April!
Friday, April 1, 2011
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