The other day, Dad sent me an interesting forward which then piqued my interest so I did some net searching which led to the spiral into geekdom. :P Here’s the forward (or gist of it):
(The first few pics came with the forward with no mention, so I'm showing them first to help put things in perspective.)
Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1,000 light years away.
This is a Hubble telescope ultra deep field infrared view of countless “entire” galaxies billions of light years away.
Below is a close up of one of the darkest regions of the photo above. Humbling, isn't it?

(This is the pic I found, hopefully yaa can see it. Had to cut it into two parts.)
Now how big are you? And how big are the things that upset you today? Keep life in perspective and don't sweat the small stuff!
Now, I found that so interesting so I went found an additional size comparison pic. And… Wow! :P You know the universe is big, but sometimes it’s hard to imagine just HOW big. Shame galactic space travel will never happen in our lifetimes. Le sigh.
Now as if wanting a map of a fake universe and a journal that looks like the TARDIS and a sonic screwdriver weren’t bad enough. I fully geeked out my cell phone. After thinking about it, I’ll probably stick with this phone for a while (in favor of saving funds for upcoming happy expenses). And since I’m keeping it, I personalized it up the wazoo. :D So now I have the Doctor Who (10th Doctor) theme song for the ringtone, the TARDIS sound effect for alerts, a pic of the TARDIS orbiting the Earth wallpaper, and an animated TARDIS gif for a screensaver. :D Geeks of the world, UNITE! :D
1 comment:
Oh my. I want one of those sonic screwdrivers.
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