Last Sunday was girls' day out. With Sarah in town and Mom wanting to do something fun (since she was gonna be driving me to and from Sarah's anyway), the three of us went to Sea World! It feels like ages since I last went and even longer since Mom went. This was an all around treat, as I didn't get to see Sarah her last trip out. All in all, the whole day was a blast... And for some odd reason, I feel the need to share ALL the pictures Sarah and I took (good or bad
So let's begin... We got the 2006 Fun Cards, five bucks more than the ticket price and we get the rest of the year free! Mom and I nominated Sarah as the navigator, as Mom didn't care where we went and I can't read maps that well. Heading to their new ride, dude, I don't even remember what it was called. Some Atlantis roller coaster/water ride. Great decor and AWESOME ride.
But before we even made it there, we bought swords. Yeah, I know... Geeky. What do ya want from geeks. So of course we had to have some sword fighting moments.
Yes... We're both dorks and we are fully aware of it!
Sarah and Mom were looking at this cool bird... Mom said something like, hey, there's actually a bird in there.
I believe next was the Dolphin show... And gasp! We actually had to sit in the soak zone! Okay, okay... It was the 11th or 12th row up (the furthest soak zone seats up). And I don't think we even got wet. Sorry no pictures.. I was too busy watching the dolphins through the monocular to try and work the camera too. The show seemed much shorter than any of us remembered, meh... It was still fun to watch. I'd watch them purdy animals any chance I can get.
We went on the Haunted Lighthouse 4D. I think we must have been the first group in there cuz the seats were ALL wet. So I'm thinking maybe there was some testing going on before... But while we waited outside with the HUGE line (we and another group were it)... Sarah and I posed:
I think we hit the Clyde and Seamore's Risky Rescue (show) next. No pics again... Can't laugh at the sea lions and manage a camera... :P I've seen that show (okay in various skits) sooo many times. Same tricks, still funny.
Lunch was yummy.... Sarah done good choosing where to eat. I waited outside to find seats cuz the place was packed... They got the food and called me to where there were LOTS of seats, so I waited outsisde for nothing. :P Chicken salad was followed with chocolate cake. Then Sarah threw the cherry at me!!! Can you believe it?? Then I of course didn't want it cuz it was on the table, so she gave it to the birds who didn't want it either. :P
So my chronology is now fuzzier than it was when I started this blog... But I believe Cirque del la Mer was next. There Mom got ALOT of pictures which I feel compelled to share. :P
I love how these guys perform sooo close to the audience.. And it's cool how they climb up like nothing and hold on as if they were flying.
These girls are my favorie... Dunno why...
On to the biggest fish show of all! Okay the Shamu show... They called it Believe.. But really they could give it a name like Doodleberry and the audience would still watch. Same tricks, same splashes... All a blast to watch! This time I managed to watch with the monocular and work the camera... So let me know if the pics came out okay. :P Oh, we weren't as close as I woulda liked, but we were close enough to see it. :) I'm a lil bummed I couldn't catch any mid air shots, but he's big and fast!
We headed for Wild Arctic next. :) The ride's like a Star Tours... But I like it mainly for the walk through after. Where we can watch the Baluga Whales... They are soo pretty and have these cute faces that look like they're always smiling. I thought I got a great shot, but when I uploaded it, it looks all blurry. :(
Next up, Sea Lions Tonite... Yeah, same show tricks... But they're mocking all the other shows! How can ya not like comedic sea lions? And hey, there was a funny girl sitting next to me the whole time too!
On the way to the Shark Encounter, we spotted flamingos... Pink blobs in the night is what we got on film. :P
None of the really cool shark shots came out. :(
We each had a Paikea moment with the Manatees.
Almost time for the fireworks, so Sarah and I headed for the kids play zone to find a cool spot on the nets to watch the wirks... But before that, that girl had me climbing ALL over the place. :P It was fun.. Big kids we were.
We watched the fireworks, which we all missed for the fourth of July so we really missed 'em. Great show, but too short... Then we were heading out when we stumbled upon Riptide, a hip hop gymnastic dance show. I miss what was it? World of Dance or something, but this was cool. Not cool to have us on our feet at the end of a long day though. :P Tsk, tsk, Sea World. Guess it keeps people awake. Anywho.. That was the day.
Stopped for food, got a little lost, found ourselves, headed home, and that's the end! I stayed awake on the trip to and from, btw! The whole way! We dropped Sarah about what, 1am/1:30? Got home soon after. Mom didn't go to sleep til 2:30 and got up 2ish hours later... LOOOONG day but oh so fun. :) So do ya all feel like ya were there with me? :P
((I'm still sunburnt from that day... Well at least my face isn't as red anymore...))
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