They are slowly driving me nuts. Here's the thing.. I like to keep a neat an orderly Inbox when it comes to email, and for the most part these bulletins are little more than forwards and silly announcements you can send (forward) to all of your friends at once. Only, because it is YOUR bulletin, I can't delete the one's I've already read. And let's face it kids, some people post some incredibly stupid stuff. And yes I probably do it sometimes to. Althogh I do try to keep it to only one or two a day tops... In other words I don't try and spam you with stuff and I delete mine after it's been up long enough.
I wish Tom would allow us to delete bulletins we've seen off of our lil private bulletin boards. Or maybe, he could shorten the length they remain up. Hey, even a hide this bulletin option would be nice. I suggested or did I ask... about this in a message/suggestion to Tom already.. But I reckon it was one of tons that will not get read or heard.
So why am I ranting/babbling about this? I guess to make it known, that you all are driving me nuts!

I'm tired of messages that read "insert outrageously stupid phrase here" and then once opened reads: now send this out with one of the following or you'll have rotten luck/sex/love life for 900 years... It's not true.. It's not funny... It's incredibly childish. Announcements about events or new stuff is cool... But dude, take down old announcements. I'll look at your page if you really want me too... Honest! And I do too! But if your last 5 bulletins all said "come see my page", I start to roll my eyes when I see your bulletins..
If you've taken the time to read this, it tells me you care enough about me to read my stuff and therefore might care to heed my words... Or it says, my stuff is interesting enough for your attention, and again ya might hear what I'm saying... And if anything I've said was felt as a direct insult to you, I'm sorry. I love seeing good bulletins. But repetitive stuff is starting to get on my nerves.
dahling, i wildly applause your thoughts today.
Posted by Bizabob on 03 Feb 06 Friday - 5:58 AM
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