I haven't yet shaken the horrible image of my Tata lying in the casket, looking as if they'd over refridgerated him. It's been what five months now. And though I was okayish with his passing, the image is very haunting. I can't think about him without seeing the image of him lying there. Each time I see it, I have to fight back down the anger and sick feeling I had back then.
For Mom, it's been different obviously. He was my grandfather and he was ailing. Passing away was in my mind a relief for him. He barely knew us on our last visit. Illness and probably poor care from.. Well illness and poor care led to a slow shrivelling up of the once great, big man. I think God granted me with a peace with his passing, because of that.
I miss him. It makes me sad to think him gone. But my tears fall mostly for the hurt my Mom feels knowing she's lost her father. Nothing I can say or do will make her feel better. It was like this when my Grandma died. I loved her. I miss her. But somehow I was granted peace. I cried more for my Dad who lost his mother.
Why am I bringing up such a depressing subject? My Uncle Paco is dying. He'll be leaving behind a wife and three kids, not to mention his grandkids. He is my Mom's Uncle. But we used to visit him when we visited my Nana. He was almost always in a wheel chair and needed aid getting around, but he always seemed to be a happy man. I'll miss him.
Not that I'd wish anyone to die. But part of me wishes this wasn't happening now. Not so soon for Mom's sake. I don't think we ever get over really losing someone. But maybe there is a point where you've come to terms with it? Maybe there is a point when the tears don't come so quickly at the thought of it. We're not there yet for my Tata... And here we'll be saying goodbye to another family member.
He hasn't even woken up, so I've been told. That can't be easy on his family. We're going to visit him tomorrow. God grant me the strength to be strong for my family. And I think I should stop now, cuz the words are getting blurry.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Don't Panic!
From a reliable source (I won't tell 'em it was you, faeree), it has come to my attention that the world is going to end. Evil forces may at this very moment be plotting on world destruction. Probably to make a great movie, but no one really knows why these evil forces keep wanting to blow up the world. Have no fear. I thought it might be prudent to pack an emergency bag or maybe even lay down with a paper bag on my head but I was given certain advice. I will quickly change into an appropriate outfit (one to flatter my appearance of course) and make a run for the hills. I and a band of rogues, who live in the hills, will seek to fight and stop these evil forces. But not til a handsome rogue helps me by tending to bruised and bloodied feet, because of course I forgot my shoes in my rush out the door. I'll keep you informed as I am able.. I may be able to send word through my cell phone, cuz you know me. World destruction or no, I am not leaving the apartment without my cell phone. Does anyone think I'll need a towel? Never know when I might need to give the towel to previously mentioned handsome rogue in a compromising position. ~wink wink~ Hmm.. I hope this isn't all somehow related to the fact that today is Friday the 13th? ~ponders~ Naaaaahhh...
LoL. Wow, you're random. creative, but random. and entertaining...
Posted by TLew on 18 Jan 06 Wednesday - 10:42 PM
LoL. Wow, you're random. creative, but random. and entertaining...
Posted by TLew on 18 Jan 06 Wednesday - 10:42 PM
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