Friday, October 15, 2004

The Blues

Blue toilet water, can anyone tell me the appeal of blue toilet water? I mean scented toilet water I can understand, but why blue? And who made Blue Toilet water a possiblity for people everywhere? See now for me, white signifies clean. So where does blue fit in? Blue just disguises. But now they make these things by clorox to keep the toilet cleaner longer. And yet my mother still wanted blue water. Well actually she asked if they had other colors so it could match the decor in the bathroom. Yes, folks, she wondered if she could get green toilet water aside from using the toilet with blue water. Oy, I'd be scared if they made a rainbow of options for toilet water.



ooooh, but blue is such a peaceful, serene color, like the deep blue sea. and u know that the water is clean cause its blue. unlike the ocean, which is brown a lot of the time. or brownish green. oh, and the other cool thing about having the blue water is that you really get more options. i mean yeah, u get green, but when you're feeling really special, u also get purple...

Posted by sarah on 17 Oct 04 Sunday - 7:16 PM

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