Friday, August 5, 2011

Movie Adventure....Two Years in the Making....

Trips to the movies for Mom and I weren't frequent, but now and then she and I would see a movie or two by ourselves. That kinda stopped to a dead halt when we moved here though. Everything kinda stopped when we moved here. Like moving to her home town kinda just reinforced the sadness and depression of losing her Dad. I figured she come out of it in time.... It only got worse when we lost him though.

We finally made it out of the house for a fun non-appointment/errand related occasion. It's been more than two years since Mom went to a movie and the last time was the day before so I knew it might be hard. I woke up and half expected her to cancel on me like she'd done before. She was napping (the crazy lady wakes at like 4a.m.!) so I hopped in the shower to get ready. She musta heard me cuz while in the shower, I heard her taking stuff outta the bathroom. She was even gonna do her hair (as opposed to just clipping it up)! Cautiously optimistic...

After making her bed (clean sheet day) and finishing getting ready, we left with what we thought would be plenty of time to get tickets, pick up some Juice it Up smoothies, and some mini pizzas from the food court. Cautiously optimistic turned to cautiously excited.... We talked light heartily on the way while she was mainly focused on reading directions. No apparent freak outs was a good sign.

We got there ridiculously early (norm for us) but it seemed we were made even MORE ridiculously early as the theater no longer allowed outside food inside! Gasp! How can they have that rule? I mean Starbucks is a mere few feet away from the theater! Bleh. Anywho, as it was a Friday the lil shop stands/carts weren't open to help kill time. Ah well... And we'd left our books in the car cuz we admitted whenever we brought them before we never read them from lack of time or too much goofing. D'oh!

Got a large soda and medium popcorn to share and planned to visit the Juice it Up and pizza place as a take home treat after the movie. But alas we were too full-ish after to even bother and really enjoy it. Ah well. Next time. :-D

There was sooooo much action in that movie! I love all the Transformers movies. :-D The action. The music. The funnies.  :-D Love 'em all! And this one did not disappoint. I wanna see it again, cuz man there was just so much going on we like feel as if we missed stuff. Mom was like what no mention of the last girl? She musted blinked and missed the quickie mention the bots made. :-P Some very cool scenes in there! :-D

And then we came home having survived her first fun outing in over two years. I think I almost cried when I ran out of the theater to go get something after we had gotten our seats. Praise God for giving her the strength to make it out. :-) She says the next outing she wants to be with me and Dad. If Dad doesn't mind, I would like the three of us to go out for a meal or something. :-) It'd be kinda nice. We'll see. All in time... Hurray for now and ta ta!

The Long Day

Okay so the intent to blog sorta fizzled last night. I started it. But, me being me, I was easily distracted and then forgot where I was going. So here I am starting anew....

Last week I had my eye exam. Fun stuff. But I was prepared. That is, I went to bed early (for me) and didn't read before bed or during the car ride (which was a half hour ride at least with no reading!!!). When we got there we had to find how to even get in as apparently they'd moved buildings since our last visit (too many years ago to even remember). Looks like the optometry school's doing good, cuz it was a nice lobby and the exam rooms look nicer too (well slightly but with good comps. in all the rooms now). I didn't see the kids play area they used to have, which is a GOOD thing cuz those kids got noisy. Geesh!

The exam itself would have normally been 90 minutes plus a second visit to finish. But thankfully, it didn't feel that long and they didn't need to schedule a return trip AND most importantly they did NOT have to dilate my eyes! Man I HATE when they have to put any drops in my eyes. Heh. The intern or whatever was even gonna get me some eye drops to take home as they seemed dry to her? I never noticed a problem. But I smiled at her and told her not to bother as I'll never use them. :-P They showed me some filter glasses/shades in a hideous yellow tint but I was surprised to see the yellow tint helped reading certain texts better. May have to take a trip to Home Depot/Lowes type places to see if I can get a sheet of it (small-like, maybe bookmark size) cuz they said it'd be cheaper than buying the clip on lenses and I only wanted it for reading. I got a new and slightly better magnifier since I told them I use it to read a lot right now when it's too hot to wear glasses.

Then the fun part and the primary reason for going. New glasses. The new lenses should be slightly better than my last, and let's face it, not much changes there. And miracle of miracles! They helped me pick out some frames I actually love! Not just "oh these are prettier than the rest" or "these don't suck", but frames I actually think looked awesome and Mom was in agreement. :-D

All the "fun" was over and it was time to tally the bill. Eeesh. All I can say is.... Thank you, Dad, for coming to our rescue again! I was shocked. I mean I knew the exam alone was $$$, but the rest? And okay I could have made do with the magnifier I had... But man, I've left there with more gadgets and stuff before. No wonder the government dropped eye care for its SSI people. Probably saving a fortune right there! Not that it's fair or right, but wow. How much did I cost the government with my annual eye exams and almost yearly new pair of glasses and toys? Anywho. I will most definitely take better care of glasses and magnifier from this point on.

The shock wore off some on the ride home, and we mentally prepared for more fun.... Oreo needed a vet trip and since Mom was already off, we took advantage. We actually wanted to take them both in. Figuring if it were ear mites (which it was) Pixie might have them too and if not she needs a shot to open up her nasal passage (something she will probably need every few months for the rest of her life but something we haven't done in a while). The carrier was prepped before we left for the eye doc. I tried to catch Pixie first, as she's more difficult to catch. But the little witch must have read our minds or something cuz she was hiding and would NOT come out even for treats. Brat. Time was running out as we had an appointment so we had to settle for leaving her home. Just as well as he was expensive enough. ~.~

The car ride sucked. I rode in back passenger seats with Oreo in the carrier while he CRIED the entire way with big bug eyes and weird panting mouth open. Breaks our hearts every time.

Mom finally met Pixie's vet at the goooood vet clinic. Mom says it was like night and day compared to the other place with the completely unfriendly vet witch they had. As the two places were in the same parking lot, we joked that our place must pick up a lot of their old business. Anywho... It was ear mites. The vet thought it was weird cuz we said Pixie hadn't exhibited any symptoms. We figured it must have been some (however brief) contact with the strays. Paws under doors touching? Mites or blood shaken off onto the door and Oreo soon after rubbing his face onto it? Ugh. Vet gave us heavy duty Advantage for them both and enough drops for both Oreo and Pixie (so she didn't escape any torturing). The visit. The Advantage (and this is where it sucks, we usually give them stuff but hadn't due to poor budgeting, so we could have prevented this!). The ear drops. Lots of $$$ and my stupid CareCredit card didn't work cuz the year of no interest apparently ended last month so yeah that sucked. Mom wrote a check.

Car ride home sucked too.

Soon as we were able, we gave Oreo AND Pixie Advantage for parasities and then ear drops. Mom says today or tomorrow's the last day of the cold (yep it's refrigerated stuff) ear drops. Good cuz the daily torture session's no fun. :-P For them. :-P Mom and I make fun of the sound of the stuff being rubbed into their ears or their fat bellies cuz of the way I hold them still. :-P

After the torturing was over, I got busy decontaminating our screen door. Yep smelled strongly of bleach for hours.

All in all it was a totally exhausting day. Mom and I were worn out.

Financially it was a sucktastic day. But it did not put a damper on the plans to go to the movies. If all goes well, more on that later.... For now, I have dishes to do and if I'm a good girl I'll go to bed, but if not I'll probably come back for a bit more net fun. :-P