I. Hate. Writer’s. Block.
I have soooo many things I want to write for RPs and for stories and when I sit down to write, all that happens is me staring at a blank Word doc for hours. And as it took me a good bit of time to come up with that first line here, I guess it affects my blogging too. It, among other things, has been kinda bringing me down. Wanting so much to write and yet being seemingly stuck. I know before when I was stuck on one RP I’d just switch gears and work on another, but then I feel guilty for working on the one that’s been overdue the longest. Heck, I feel super bad I just left all Kila’s friends hanging for like ever. But those folks make me cringe with their super short posts and lack of basic spell/grammar check and…. -shudders- their use of first person writing. I can read books in first person, but then authors who have professional editors tend to do a pretty good job of writing in that format. Your average RPer….not so much. >.< It’s almost as painful as reading a RP post in text/chat-speak.
Okay, done with that bit of babbling….
End of last month, Dad and I took my computer to Best Buy to have the Geek Squad take a look at my computer. It’s been acting up off and on since just before New Year’s Day. The occasional blue screen of death and all that happy jazz. After all standard diagnostic tests (that I could find on my computer already) found nothing, I finally called GS and they told me it might be hardware and to bring it in. Le bummer. But when we got there and they ran their super duper tests, they told me it wasn’t hardware (which was good cuz that’d require sending for parts and a two week wait! :-o ) and more than likely virus related or even software. For $200 they could take it and a) try to find the virus, b) try to remove the virus, and failing those c) restore the computer. >.< BUT they warned that sometimes the removal process sometimes removed bits of software data for Windows making it messed up. So wtf??? Yeah, I said frack that and took it home. I would just restore it myself… Er… at least, I would attempt. ( :-< I miss him.) But like, I’m kinda chicken to attempt it now. Thanks to Dad, I now have an external hard drive which I used to back up my stuff all easy peasy like (using Windows back up tool). So I’m set there. I’d just have to MAYBE call Microsoft and maybe my virus software ppl to ask for permission to put the software meant for x number of computers (all used up) back on the same computer. But I’m kinda scared of screwing up something. A friend of mine tried to help me work around it to avoid restoring as he said it wasn’t perfect either. But I am plagued still with the infrequent and random blue screens. Ah well. I’ll eventually suck it up and do it…I guess.
On one of those facebook posts that tells the world (or friends of that person at least) that they’re playing such-n-such game, I saw a name that piqued my interest. I normally just block them automatically, but I was curious. CSI is a show my parents like. I mean I’ll watch it if it’s on and I’m in their rooms or whatever, but it’s not my show. But I was curious how they’d make it into an fb game….and now I’m hooked. >.< On days when I’m positively bored all day, I confess I am guilty of checking in on the game half a dozen times throughout the day. Help! I’ve become one of those fb gamer freaks! But the game does make me kinda want a proper version for say the computer or something. It’s fun. Oh, and since like half if not more of my friends play Bejeweled Blitz, I took a peak. That’s a fun lil game too. But then I always like those types of games (Tetris, Columns, etc,…).
I tagged along on a Disneyland trip with Issi, her mom, and her cousin weekend before last (just one of the two days they went as I wasn’t sure how much kid time I could take). Apart from the hiccups in the rides breaking down in the first hour there, it was a fun day! The kid was well behaved, complaining only when the lines were long (who doesn’t) and grumped only after rides broke down (can't blame him there, that sucked! And all the pep talking and getting himself ready for the big roller coaster and everything was almost wasted!). Issi said he was more talkative the day before, but after a LONG day of Dis fun the day before and lack of enough sleep, I can see why he might not have been as chatty. When he was, he was fun to listen to. So, gasp, it’s a miracle, there are some kids I actually like. :-P After Dis, we went to drop him off with his mother and we all went to dinner near her work. I can't remember having met her at the wedding, but I met so many people there. But it was a lot of fun just laughing and talking (okay I mostly listened).
My new Valentine's Day Mickey in cute heart boxer-like shorts. Tehe!
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My little leprichaun Mickey :-D |
In black and white! :-P
Only a couple more weeks now. I’m excited for her. I’ll miss her, but we’ll still talk online. I think I’ll be missing the OPTION to go see her whenever (never mind the fact that we didn’t take as much advantage as we could before :-P ). Cuz I learned after Sarah moved away from Cali, that it just makes the one or two visits a year all the more special. And again, Issi and I talk more online now anyway, so that’s not really gonna change. We’re gonna hang out at least one more time, a Dis trip that I hope will just be her and I without her mom. I don’t usually mind her mom joining, but this next trip will be my last Dis trip with her and I’d like it to be awesome without worrying about censoring conversations or keeping pace for her.
Now that at least for the moment the writer’s block is unblocked, maybe I can try writing those RP posts…. Maybe, it is kinda late and I did just nod off mid writing this. :-P
Haha! Mickeys in technicolor! From the ebay seller (where Issi found the first pic), there's a third option, but it was just TOO colorful for me. :-P They're weird in all their neon colorness, but still cute to me. :-P But then, when don't I think that about Mickey?