Tree Update:
Would you believe it's been almost two weeks and they still haven't come to clear up the tree mess? All they did that day (the 6th) was cut it up into moveable chunks and push it off to the sides. It kinda sucks actually. Our street, being small and one side parking only, was always limited for space. This mess just cuts what few parking spaces we had out front in half. And usually, the two people that are able to park, NEVER seem to leave to ever allow anyone else a chance. I mean of course they leave, but they must hightail it back home ASAP to get their space back before someone else can get the chance. Le sigh.... I am sorry to anyone who has had to deal with it. How hard is it to put the pieces in those chopper things and cart it all away? if not the trunk, at least the brush? If nothing happens next week, I may go out there myself! Think I could bill the city? They'd sure as hell tax us for the job.
Long Time No Blog?:
It's been a while since I last blogged, so details of things I wanted to share have slipped my memory. Or one day's events sorta blended into another day's events. All in all, the past two weeks, I've gone to hang at Dad's house three times (twice in one weekend even! :D), forced Mom into going to Wal-Mart instead of letting her relying on Dad taking me, two Target Tuesdays, had two after work visits from Daddy (one of which was tonight :D), cleaned the house, and went to Disneyland with Issi.
Tree weekend, I actually went to Dad's place on Saturday and Sunday. It was nice. :) And I think Saturday night we were out pretty late too. :P I can't remember what all we did, but usually there's a meal brought to his place or eaten at a restaurante, maybe a mini shopping trip (for Mom's errands or just for the hey of it), and then we watch movies at his place. These last few trips, we may even watch a show or two (he, like Mom and I, records alot of shows from TV :P ). And I remember thinking last Sunday, what would people say if I told them what we did. "Oh yeah, I was at my Dad's and we watched a couple TV shows we'd recorded from the week." I imagined anyone (but say Mom) looking at me funny or saying "well that sounds uh fun I guess." But it was. I mean, Mom and I used to do it all the time. But this past year or two, she or I are always falling behind by too many weeks. Like now, Mom's got soo many tapes to watch, and I've seen them all already. So it was nice to watch shows Dad and I follow together. :)
This week's Target Tuesday trip, I got the latest Star Trek movie (thank you Daddy!) as well as a coupe others. :D It was on sale for nine dollars! That's a good sale for such a new-ish movie. But when we walked out, I noticed they charged us $25. :o Not cool. So we went back in there. The shelf had been empty, so when we asked, an employee claimed there was a bunch in the back and grabbed a copy for me. As the supervisor at customer service mentioned that particular bundle/package was discontinued, I'm guessing that "bunch" was meant for returning to the publishing company for rebundling/packaging. As the sign said nine, we got it for the nine in the end. :) Weeeeeee.... AND AND! It was one of those movies with a digital copy!! So now, when I DO get my butt in gear and re-setup my iTunes Library to sync to my iPod, I'll have my second movie on my iPod. :D
Decisions, Decisions:
Dad: What do you want for dinner?
Me: I dunno, what do you feel like?
Dad: What can your Mom have?
It's a common convo between Dad and I when we're on our way back to my place. :P Unless Mom has a craving, the decision making falls to me. :P Funny enough, a similar discussion goes on whenever Issi and I are out and get hungry. It seems none of us can make decisions. Well no that's a lie. I would probably shout out whatever I was craving, but I don't want to pick something everyone's not gonna enjoy or something someone may get sick of. Cuz I can probably eat burgers and fries every singe day and still not tire of them. I mean I eat sammiches and chips practically every day! Not hard to please me. :P Sometimes I get cravings for something else, but even then I don't like to pick something someone's not gonna like. So round and round we go....

Dinner tonight was El Taco. :) Until Mom goes to the dumb dentist, she's limited to mushier foods still. El Taco and KFC are her top two choices lately. There's something she can eat at most places, but these two are no brainers. :P She looooves her quesadillas (and I had to look up that spelling cuz I'ma bad Messican :P ). They've got some tasty burritos and taquitos too. Anywho, Mom's got enough quesadillas to last her for lunch (and probably dinner too) for tomorrow. :P
Disneyland! Weeeeeee.... :
Over the course of the end of last week and the weekend, I cleaned the house. What brought this on, you may ask? Well, I'm a terrible housewife. I keep the kitchen clean and the rest well... when I feel like it or when company who doesn't frequent is coming over.... And while parking may have prvented Issi from coming in, I had to have the place clean before she came. I know I know, she's seen my place at it's worst in the past. But, at least one out of every few visits, I like to have it cleaned. Can't let everyone think I'm always messy. :P And it's not so much mess and clutter all the time either. It's just dusting and vacuuming. But with hardwood floors, the dust stands out more and requires less vacuuming (cuz it doesn't pick up as well) and more sweeping. So after all that cleaning I was kinda sore. :P Then I went to Disneyland! :P
Monday was a holiday for Issi, so we left my house surprisingly early (for us) at 11ish am and went to a packed park. :P Had to park in the boonies and everything. And were it not for a stroke of luck that night, we might not have found the car, as neither one of us looked at where we parked before walking in. Le whoops? We were there til 7something I think. We went on six rides at two parks, ate a quickie meal early on (cuz I skipped breakfast and she'd skipped lunch), went through the tortilla factory twice :D (free fresh tortilla, yummmm), shopped, got cookies, waited in a lot of lines, got more water (as it was amazingly warm and we drained the bottles we'd brought mid way way :P ), and had a whole lot of fun! Alas, I tried to take pics, but the only one that came out was a candid of Issi on the phone. Which I will not put up, cuz she'd kill me. :P I woulda brought my camera, but the idea is to travel light at an amusement park, and as is, I had my purse (which I normally condense to bare essentials that can fit in pockets but I didn't this time), my water bottle holder with half frozen bottle, a jacket (that I never used ALL day at the park :P ), and a bag of stuff I bought way too early (cuz we weren't sure if we were gonna stay with the crowds and heat being as they were). Anywho, a camera that wouldn't fit in my purse would not have helped. :P I did learn, I should stop taking pics with my cell phone. Most come out like crap now. Or maybe I just notice the grainy-ness of them more.
Picture Time! :
I have neglected my camera some, but when I do pull it out, I use it!

And here I thought it was always Oreo opening cabinets and cupboards. But that is distinctly a Pixie butt! Oy.
Doesn't matter that we give him fresh water with every meal. But every chance he gets, he'll drink water out of cups and bowls from the sink, or in this case next to the sink. >.< At least it wasn't in the sink... I mean soapy water can't be tasty, right? Ah well.... Guess I can't break that habit, as I walk in the kitchen and quite often find a kitty butt sticking out of the sink. Pretty sight. :P
"Do you want to play with me, now?" My wide-eyed Pixie.
"No one wants to play with me."
I always end up taking a million pics of Pix. But she poses so well! And she's so darn cute. The punkazoid that is Oreo STOPS being cute the moment he hears the camera. So all I ever catch him doing are similar poses I've already shot. Oy. Anywho, Mom and I especially loved this one. :)
She sooo loves the tunnels and cubes and tumbler. She takes at least one nap a day in one of them. :P Came home from a grocery/shopping trip and couldn't find her. Looked EVERYwhere. Should checked the tumbler first. Even after all the noise of going in and out and putting stuff away, she was barely waking from a nap in the tumbler (which happens to be near the front door) half hour later! Like she'd never heard a thing. Miss Jumpy Pants herself!
My beautiful, baby boy. Oreo's got such a sweet face. :)
He's waiting for me to stop shoving the camera in his face so he can go to sleep. :P
Okay, I'm sure I have more to babble about, but I'll save it for another day. :P Besides I'm hungry and I still got daily cleaning to do... Yay, that's great.