Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Time flies.....

...when you're wasting it." - Dad :P

Hehe. That was said when we were laughing and joking after realizing it was so late. I think it's gonna be a new catchy line. :P  The time that was spent leading to tthat line?
  • 11:30am - Dad picked me up and we headed to the restaurant for "breakfast"
  • 12:50pm - Finished our meal and headed out to the Dollar Tree (in the same little shopping center)
  • 2-2:30pm - After buying a few things, we headed to Sam's Club for some book shopping
  • 3-3:30pm - Finally headed back to Dad's place and realized how late it was :P
I still don't think time was wasted, though, even if we did spend a lil longer at the Dollar Tree. :P It was all in fun. And there was more time "wasted" at the house too. I don't think we even watched anything. Just hung out. Talking and joking. I got some reading in. It was nice and relaxing. Kinda reminded me of the days when he and I would just go driving for an hour or so with no particular destination in mind, just enjoying the ride and talking. There had to be something to fill the time that I'm forgetting, because it was pretty late when we went to pick up dinner to bring to my place. But then "time flies". :P

Today, we started a smidge earlier. We went straight to his place though and he made nummy french toast. Num num nummy.... Watched Wall-E (2008) for the first time. That was a funny and cute movie. And then we saw (mostly :P ) Surrogates (2009), which was a good movie! While both movies were enjoyable, boy, do they ever paint the human race negatively.

In Wall-E, everyone turns into fat slobs who don't have to do ANYTHING for themselves and ride around on floating chairs all day long. I mean human contact was even foreign. After 700+ years of their "5yr cruse" they let bots do everything for them. Heck, they don't even have to chew food, it comes in shakes! I can only guess babies are grown in test tubes, since one scene displayed two people almost fllinching with that first touch of hands. Oy.... That's sad. That they allowed themselves to get that bad. What's more sad, it's actually a possibility. I mean think of how convenient they're making everything. It's not hard to imagine the human race taking it to that level in the near or distant future.

In Surrogates, practically everyone lives through these surrogates. Robots walking around so they can stay home and be safe in their bubbles. Okay, I see the appeal of wanting to have a better looking, better fit version of yourself out there. But in living their lives practically 24/7 like that, their actual bodies are just getting more and more sluggish. And I imagine weight gain for the "operators" is pretty high, though that wasn't really depicted in the film. What was so sad was that people use these things for so long, never leaving their homes in the flesh, that they actually need anxiety meds when and if they do have to go without the surrogates! That's just wrong.

Anywho, after our DVD watching, we watched the rest of the last Karate Kid movie, which was playing on TV. We picked up some KFC, and I swear EVERYtime we go there, the floors are always sticky! I was impressed that they were actually pretty fast this time, til we got home and realized why. :P They messed up the order. Dinner was deliscious though. Maybe next time we'll get what we ask for in a timely manner and not have to walk on sticky floors. :P

Twas a good weekend in my book!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

That time again....

I figured out why I stopped blogging almost daily. There's something on my mind. A jumble of related thoughts that I don't want to get lost or confused in a daily blog post of babbling nothings. So, while I told myself, I'd post it on its own, I kept putting it off. I still want to post it.. And I will. But while putting it off, I stopped blogging regularly. As if I couldn't post one without the other. Silly, I know. Anywho.... Back to our regular blogging...


A quick sum up of the week.... The weekend, I spent hanging with my Dad. :) Tuesday we went to Target for our usual silliness. Thursday, Dad took me to run Mom's pharmacy errand. And today, he came over for dinner. :) They finally cleaned up the tree, with ALOT of noise. BTW, metal scrapping concrete is a LOVELY sound. >.< I think that's all the major highlights.

I kept busy with various trivial activities this week: catching up on tapes (of recorded shows, yes, I watch too much TV), wrote alot more RP posts this week, guild hunted (which I was gonna do again tonight but it's likely someone's beaten me to that by now), and read ALOT of posts from the group for the game's high council. Busy, busy, busy. :P

While I have been writing a bit more for my RP forum, it is still sad to see it so idle as many of the members are inactive. It really sucks to see something you put soo much work into grow increasingly dead. On the flip side, the vampire game's HC group has gone from inactive for years to very much ALIVE and that is an awesome thing to see. Kudos, to those who are trying to bring it back. I dunno how one of its former owners would feel about it, not that I thought about it til Eileen said anything, but then she hasn't been involved in the game for years, so...

I did take pics this week. Of course. But I'm only sharing this one, before I go. :)

It's blurry, cuz Oreo was moving too much.
(gotta learn to play with settings more:P )
Kitty love moment. :P He's always bathing Pixie.
Cute even if blurry. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Long Fracking Blog! Gasp!

Tree Update:

Would you believe it's been almost two weeks and they still haven't come to clear up the tree mess? All they did that day (the 6th) was cut it up into moveable chunks and push it off to the sides. It kinda sucks actually. Our street, being small and one side parking only, was always limited for space. This mess just cuts what few parking spaces we had out front in half. And usually, the two people that are able to park, NEVER seem to leave to ever allow anyone else a chance. I mean of course they leave, but they must hightail it back home ASAP to get their space back before someone else can get the chance. Le sigh.... I am sorry to anyone who has had to deal with it. How hard is it to put the pieces in those chopper things and cart it all away? if not the trunk, at least the brush? If nothing happens next week, I may go out there myself! Think I could bill the city? They'd sure as hell tax us for the job.

Long Time No Blog?:

It's been a while since I last blogged, so details of things I wanted to share have slipped my memory. Or one day's events sorta blended into another day's events. All in all, the past two weeks, I've gone to hang at Dad's house three times (twice in one weekend even! :D), forced Mom into going to Wal-Mart instead of letting her relying on Dad taking me, two Target Tuesdays, had two after work visits from Daddy (one of which was tonight :D), cleaned the house, and went to Disneyland with Issi.

Tree weekend, I actually went to Dad's place on Saturday and Sunday. It was nice. :) And I think Saturday night we were out pretty late too. :P I can't remember what all we did, but usually there's a meal brought to his place or eaten at a restaurante, maybe a mini shopping trip (for Mom's errands or just for the hey of it), and then we watch movies at his place. These last few trips, we may even watch a show or two (he, like Mom and I, records alot of shows from TV :P ). And I remember thinking last Sunday, what would people say if I told them what we did. "Oh yeah, I was at my Dad's and we watched a couple TV shows we'd recorded from the week." I imagined anyone (but say Mom) looking at me funny or saying "well that sounds uh fun I guess." But it was. I mean, Mom and I used to do it all the time. But this past year or two, she or I are always falling behind by too many weeks. Like now, Mom's got soo many tapes to watch, and I've seen them all already. So it was nice to watch shows Dad and I follow together. :)

This week's Target Tuesday trip, I got the latest Star Trek movie (thank you Daddy!) as well as a coupe others. :D It was on sale for nine dollars! That's a good sale for such a new-ish movie. But when we walked out, I noticed they charged us $25. :o Not cool. So we went back in there. The shelf had been empty, so when we asked, an employee claimed there was a bunch in the back and grabbed a copy for me. As the supervisor at customer service mentioned that particular bundle/package was discontinued, I'm guessing that "bunch" was meant for returning to the publishing company for rebundling/packaging. As the sign said nine, we got it for the nine in the end. :) Weeeeeee.... AND AND! It was one of those movies with a digital copy!! So now, when I DO get my butt in gear and re-setup my iTunes Library to sync to my iPod, I'll have my second movie on my iPod. :D

Decisions, Decisions:

Dad: What do you want for dinner?
Me: I dunno, what do you feel like?
Dad: What can your Mom have?

It's a common convo between Dad and I when we're on our way back to my place. :P Unless Mom has a craving, the decision making falls to me. :P Funny enough, a similar discussion goes on whenever Issi and I are out and get hungry. It seems none of us can make decisions. Well no that's a lie. I would probably shout out whatever I was craving, but I don't want to pick something everyone's not gonna enjoy or something someone may get sick of. Cuz I can probably eat burgers and fries every singe day and still not tire of them. I mean I eat sammiches and chips practically every day! Not hard to please me. :P Sometimes I get cravings for something else, but even then I don't like to pick something someone's not gonna like. So round and round we go....

Dinner tonight was El Taco. :) Until Mom goes to the dumb dentist, she's limited to mushier foods still. El Taco and KFC are her top two choices lately. There's something she can eat at most places, but these two are no brainers. :P She looooves her quesadillas (and I had to look up that spelling cuz I'ma bad Messican :P ). They've got some tasty burritos and taquitos too. Anywho, Mom's got enough quesadillas to last her for lunch (and probably dinner too) for tomorrow. :P

Disneyland! Weeeeeee.... :

Over the course of the end of last week and the weekend, I cleaned the house. What brought this on, you may ask? Well, I'm a terrible housewife. I keep the kitchen clean and the rest well... when I feel like it or when company who doesn't frequent is coming over.... And while parking may have prvented Issi from coming in, I had to have the place clean before she came. I know I know, she's seen my place at it's worst in the past. But, at least one out of every few visits, I like to have it cleaned. Can't let everyone think I'm always messy. :P And it's not so much mess and clutter all the time either. It's just dusting and vacuuming. But with hardwood floors, the dust stands out more and requires less vacuuming (cuz it doesn't pick up as well) and more sweeping. So after all that cleaning I was kinda sore. :P Then I went to Disneyland! :P

Monday was a holiday for Issi, so we left my house surprisingly early (for us) at 11ish am and went to a packed park. :P Had to park in the boonies and everything. And were it not for a stroke of luck that night, we might not have found the car, as neither one of us looked at where we parked before walking in. Le whoops? We were there til 7something I think. We went on six rides at two parks, ate a quickie meal early on (cuz I skipped breakfast and she'd skipped lunch), went through the tortilla factory twice :D (free fresh tortilla, yummmm), shopped, got cookies, waited in a lot of lines, got more water (as it was amazingly warm and we drained the bottles we'd brought mid way way :P ), and had a whole lot of fun! Alas, I tried to take pics, but the only one that came out was a candid of Issi on the phone. Which I will not put up, cuz she'd kill me. :P I woulda brought my camera, but the idea is to travel light at an amusement park, and as is, I had my purse (which I normally condense to bare essentials that can fit in pockets but I didn't this time), my water bottle holder with half frozen bottle, a jacket (that I never used ALL day at the park :P ), and a bag of stuff I bought way too early (cuz we weren't sure if we were gonna stay with the crowds and heat being as they were). Anywho, a camera that wouldn't fit in my purse would not have helped. :P I did learn, I should stop taking pics with my cell phone. Most come out like crap now. Or maybe I just notice the grainy-ness of them more.

Picture Time! :

I have neglected my camera some, but when I do pull it out, I use it!

And here I thought it was always Oreo opening cabinets and cupboards. But that is distinctly a Pixie butt! Oy.

Doesn't matter that we give him fresh water with every meal. But every chance he gets, he'll drink water out of cups and bowls from the sink, or in this case next to the sink. >.< At least it wasn't in the sink... I mean soapy water can't be tasty, right? Ah well.... Guess I can't break that habit, as I walk in the kitchen and quite often find a kitty butt sticking out of the sink. Pretty sight. :P

"Do you want to play with me, now?" My wide-eyed Pixie.

"No one wants to play with me."

I  always end up taking a million pics of Pix. But she poses so well! And she's so darn cute. The punkazoid that is Oreo STOPS being cute the moment he hears the camera. So all I ever catch him doing are similar poses I've already shot. Oy. Anywho, Mom and I especially loved this one. :)

She sooo loves the tunnels and cubes and tumbler. She takes at least one nap a day in one of them. :P Came home from a grocery/shopping trip and couldn't find her. Looked EVERYwhere. Should checked the tumbler first. Even after all the noise of going in and out and putting stuff away, she was barely waking from a nap in the tumbler  (which happens to be near the front door) half hour later! Like she'd never heard a thing. Miss Jumpy Pants herself!

My beautiful, baby boy. Oreo's got such a sweet face. :)

He's waiting for me to stop shoving the camera in his face so he can go to sleep. :P

Okay, I'm sure I have more to babble about, but I'll save it for another day. :P Besides I'm hungry and I still got daily cleaning to do... Yay, that's great.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

And the Day's Just Starting.....

Last nigght I went to bed at 230ish am, which is super early for me. :P After less than three and a half hours of sleep the night....that day, I fully expected to knock right out. I mean I'd fallen asleep trying to solve a Sudoku puzzle only a half hour earlier! But my brain wouldn't shut off. Maybe it was the music I was playing to go to sleep to, the Avatar soundtrack. Who knows. Anyway, half hour later (I know cuz my stereo sleep timer shut off), I finally fell asleep. I slept good too! But it was short lived. Less than four hours later, I woke up. >.< And the fun begins!

At like 630am, I was awake and trying to tell myself to go back to sleep. But I heard a cat crying really loudly. That has a way of waking up someone real fast. I knew it wasn't one of my babies, but it was a cat crying all the same. I looked outside to see if it was Prailine (the new stray we feed now), but he/she wasn't in sight. I knew it was him/her though, becasue he/she's done that before. Mom heard the cat too, so now we're both up early on a frelling Saturday.  She figured it was feeding time, which of course it was. I'm usually still up to give our babies and the strays breakfast at 6am. Tundra wasn't there, but Prailine was happy to eat. Meowed back at me when I said hello too! He/she's learning to trust us more and more.

Ten minutes later, I'm back in bed. Alarm isn't due to go off til 830am, and I'm hoping to get more sleep. Not that it helped. Again, the brain was awake and wouldn't let me sleep. I listned to Avatar til the sleep timer shut off after half an hour again. I checked the weather online via my cell phone. I thought about writing this blog. :P And of course ten-fifteen-ish minutes before the alarm went off, I finally fell asleep. >.< Ah well. I still feel rested. Anywho, got up and got ready, cuz I'm going with Daddy today. Everything is normal.....

Wrong. The SLIGHT winds (we're talking 10mph tops) and rain knocked over a big tree during the night! I think the only reason we didn't hear it over the wind and rain was because it was so bushy it had a muffled landing. But it did fall on a van, well the brushy part of it. Looks like it pulled up cement sidewalk too. Our street is completely blocked off now. So naturally I ran out and took pics!

And look! It's a crime scene. Mother Nature commited vandalism?

I'm not sure if the sidewalk damage was due to years of root growth or the timber effect.

And he/she ALWAYS wants that parking spot too.... Maybe he/she'll rethink it next time.


Even Tundra (the other stray we feed) came out to see the commotion. :P

Surveying the damage with the lookeeloos. :P

And the day's just starting! Dad will be here soon and I think they're actually trying to do something outside... Time to shut the comp off and go take more pics maybe. :P

Friday, February 5, 2010

One More Time....

Okay, so I've decided I'm going to ask my Mom if she wants to go to the movies one more time. One last time. Patience is a virtue, and unfortunately, like my Mom and her mom, I just don't have it. I understand her reluctance, sort of.... But each she ignores the question, cancels last minute, or just plain says no, I get a little more irked. I know I'm a tad irrationally irked, and not being fair to her maybe, but the annoyance is there all the same. So rather than continue to get upset at not getting to see Avatar again or any movie in the future, I'll just stop asking.

That being said... If she says no for Sunday, I'm seriously considering bussing my butt by myself. >.< There have only been a few times I've ever wanted to go bad enough to consider going to a movie theatre by myself. This is one of them.

Anywho.... I found a trailer I could actually share, so enjoy! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spoiled Rotten :)

Much to their delight, the play zone for the kitties was expanded (thank you, Daddy!). Two more tunnels were attached, allowing the cubes to be separated. Pixie and Ore both jumped at the chance to play in the newly expanded play area. And yep, their emery boards came in last week. Oreo uses it properly. Pixie mainly just rubs her face on it. But the toy, which is detachable, they LOVE! Pixie's good about getting nails clipped, well it's easier for Mom to clip Pixie's claws. Oreo, on the other hand, it's good he uses the board to file his claws down. Cuz, man, those suckers hurt when we play! Anywho. :P Our babies are spoiled rotten and they know it. Only bummer thing is, now Oreo won't get to do that weird run in circles thing he did the other day. Running in one cube opening and out the other (same cube) and around and around he went. :P It was hilarious, too bad the camera was out of reach. :P

We also got them grass they can eat. Oreo LOVED it last time we got it. This time, I guess he's not as interested. It's Pixie's turn to love it now. :P But she has to be supervised. She will make an absolute mess, pulling out grass and dirt and spreading it all over the place. Not to mention, if she's not watched, she just keeps eating and eating and eating! Which, okay, that's what it's for, but not all in one sitting! :P After taking a bunch of pics of her, I walked away to show Mom. I couldn't have been gone that long, but when we both came out to the kitchen, there was grass all over the floor and Mom had to try and reconstruct the little grass patch with what was left. :P Whoops! We don't keep it on the floor. Oreo can get at it on the windowsill over the kitchen sink, but he doesn't go to town on it like she does. :P

The big spoiled brat has been acting brattier than usual. He's taking to bugging Pixie to the point of her being almost pushed off the bed. I mean it's not like Garfield and Odie or anything. But he tries to get her to play when they're both on mom's bed. And I guess she just scoots away from him until she's got no where but off to go. But when he's just sleeping or laying there, he looks like a sweet little angel....the punk. :P He also yells at Mom... When she's up late and he wants to get in bed, he yells at her. When he wants cookies (cat treats) and she's not moving fast enough, he'll yell. :P Heck, even when we walk in a room he's sleeping in, he'll look up at us and "mmm", the kitty equivalent of grunting his displeasure? :P And yet, he's not a grumpy cat. He wants alot of loving and he's sooo affectionate. Yep, while we may call him a brat in one minute, we're going "awww" in the next. :P Punk, knows it too.

I'm spoiled too. I got this beautiful new computer. I got this new to me camera. I get a couple new movies here and there. Mom and I both get trated to dinners now and then. Sunday breakfasts out with Dad... Yep, my Daddy spoils me. And just in case I wasn't spoiled enough, I indulged myself by purchasing a season of  a TV series I like, a couple movies, and a CD (the Avatar soundtrack, did I mention I was obsessed?) all within the last five days. Oh, and I'm still setting aside money to go to the movies, to see Avatar. So, yeah, I'm spoiled rotten. Spoiled rotten or really blessed. Although I somehow don't think God blesses people with "unecessary things". :P