I finished my year off with an actual social life! Crazy I know! May not have had any plans for New Year's Eve, but I did have a fun few days before hand.
Monday, Sarah and I visited while she was in town.... Tuesday, I finally met Ashley.
Two days in a row of socializing!
Sarah and I hung out at my place for a lil bit after the grand tour since it was a first visit to the new place. Then I forced her sick lil butt to walk miles and miles up a hill barefoot... oh no... It was actually less than a mile, but it was a longer trek up the hill than I thought it would be. Anywho... We made it to the park and explored. Visited the playground of my youth.... Got high in front of kids...... on the swings.
Took pics... not of the children. That woulda been pervy. Found the place where shopping carts die.... The cat village... Back at home, we played cards, ate pizza, and watched a movie. All and all a fun visit.
Next day I bussed to the restaurante to meet Ashley... And MTA's site lied...to my benefit. The stop was closer than planned. Got there early, which I knew I would, and read til the phone rang.
One thing I love about Ashley, practically from the first moment we met, we were able to talk and talk as if we'd always been friends. Okay I confess.... I love Ashley... but even still I'd talked myself out of our first attempt at meeting... Call it social awkwardness making me more nervous at meeting a net friend. Glad I didn't talk myself out of it this time.
So we'll have to do that again when she gets back from living in the future. 
New Year's Eve I uh... did nothing... Didn't even stay online long. Had planned on doing shops and guilds too... Le whoops... Just didn't feel like it. Stayed in my room watching Christmas movies all night. Slept like an hour and a half til my eyes just popped open... Like poof I was wide awake even though alarm was set for much later. It was cool... I was awake to see the Rose Parade. Then went to Nana's for some menudo.. mmmmmm....
Friday was uneventful... Saturday... That was a busy day.
Went furniture shopping for Mom... She finally got her first REAL set of bedroom furniture and I got a new mattress. Nana also took us to a store where we found in expensive but GOOD blankets and sheets and rugs. Had to rush home to clean out the "storage room / Pixie's bedroom" of the boxes that had no homes and the blankets Pixie uses. Lotsa moving stuffs...
All in all, last week was a GOOD week and a GREAT way to end last year and start this one.
We both slept on oh so comfy beds. I think I musta slept nine or ten hours. Didn't want to move.
Takin' a teasy today... Tomorrow a different kind of adventure.... Like unpacking Mom's stuff (finally), finding homes for the books and movies, and taking down Christmas. Fun fun fun...