Okay so cooking with the oven on a warm day wasn't the brightest of ideas. But how else are we supposed to eat good grub without buying it from some other place? Admittedly, we Californians have a weak idea of what's hot or cold... If it isn't perfect beach weather we tend to whine.
We're kinda babies that way....
Anywho, I cooked cornish hens and a wild rice mix and some mixed vege bits. I'm a pretty okay cook, though some may be shocked to hear it. Probably because I complain about cooking. It's over a hot stove/oven. It's messy. And it requires following directions... I'm not ALWAYS good at that. I actually screwed up Minute Rice once... 
Thanks to Dru's tip last time, I did remember to baste the hens often, as I'm told they're dry birds. Only I guess today I musta thought I was dry as I managed to baste myself.
That is I squeezed the baster toooo close to the bird and it all squirted back at me, the stove, and the floor. Live and learn. Wish this mess had taken place the other day when I accidently got dishwashing liquid in the dishwasher.... Suddy mess is all I can say. Funny suddy mess, but a mess nonetheless... Well at least that mess was "clean".
Okay.. That's enough babble... Not what I was gonna blog about earlier, but I lost that train of thought already. 
I love cooking!!! :D
Posted by Melissa Tian on June 28, 2007 - Thursday - 11:07 PM