Okay... So like the last few blogs of mine have had more fluff than stuff... Nothing about me.. Well not ALOT about me and my life.. So here goes... July so far (cuz like July's not over yet and I already know other stuff is planned):
First weekend, we all went out to the movies. Dad and Josh met Mom and I at the theatres to watch Superman and Click, both very enjoyable movies.
I can't help it. I've loved superheros since I was a kid. I mean, Josh and I even created our own superheros for the childhood games we played (which btw, Josh, I've been thinking about ALOT lately). In fact, I've been thinking about actually writing a story based on those characters we created.
Click, althogh I did really want to see it, was even better than I thought it would be. Kinda opened my eyes on time we waste/spend... Not that I've taken itto heart yet... Key word, yet, cuz I really do want to fix my priorities. I've gotten them all upside down... I'd say it happened when I moved here, but I think it had started even before then. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had my priorities completely straight... I had them in my heart and in my mind... but not in my actions.
On the eighth, I watched Patty's son, Joey, get married. For those of you who don't know.. Patty has been my Mom's friend for ages. Her kids and us grew up together. Lotsa babysitting together for a few years there. They became the cousins we never really had (we had cousins, just none we hung out with).
In my head, Joey is still that little eight year old Josh whacked in the head with metal scissors (good job, bro, really
Anywho... The wedding was long as customary for all Catholic weddings... Any Catholic readers out there, forgive me... IF I get married, it'll be a nice a SHORT ceremony. All that up and down sctuff was I believe the only reason I was awake during the entire thing. I tried taking pictures with mah new camera phone (Would you believe I forgot my digital camera!!!!!!
I picked up the camera before the reception, but then I spent most of that time IMing Amy cuz I was bored out of my mind... Excluding the lap dances that the bachelors gave the bride and the shameful dance Joey did... My image of him as an eight year old couldn't truly compute his nasty dancing.... ~shudders~ All the boredom led me to actually going to the bar.... to buy a TINY $2 Diet Coke.
Guess Dad's not a Pirates fan, cuz Josh actually came to us to ask us to take him to the new Pirates movie that sunday.
Last weekend, Mom and I went and saw the Devil Wears Prada and the Lake House. All I gotta say is, I loved 'em both. We also spent much of the weekend watching Firefly (TV series). We actually got through 2 DVDs out of 4... That's as far as we've managed to get ever! After we finish the series, we're gonna watch Serenity for the umpteen millionth time.
What can I say, we LOVE that movie.
Monday, Dad came to get me (yes I was late!! I confess) so we could join my aunts Irene and Emily and my cousin(?) Lisi and her two kids. It was fun to see them. I so rarely get to see that side of the family. Heck, I'm not sure I even KNOW all of that side of the family. The rest of the day was spent running errands with Dad.. Can I just say I really love Dad and me days? Aside from a key punching a hole in Dad's tire, the day woulda been nothing but awesome.
And now we're at the most exciting part of the month (okay not really)... The landlord FINALLY got something she promised done. We now have a gate in front of the grassy patch outside our window. The gate's not as high, and they removed the higher gate that made it unclimbable. It should still prevent the neighborhood dumbshit squad (what I call the teenagers who like to loiter and smoke pot in our yards) from hanging outside our windows on MOST occassions. Cuz ya see, when they installed one gate, they removed the other higher one. Not just the door, but the fence that had been added on the side as well. So now, where once it was easy to climb over the simple chain-link fence either neighboring properties use, now there's an equally easy stone fence to climb over. One step forward... Two steps back...
We're all supposed to get AC units now... But as with the fence/gate issues, I'll try not to hold my breath. We're still promised reinforced/added fencing that'll be unclimbable on the both sides of the property. Maybe by the time the new tenant moves in, we'll get at least the AC units (which according to the landlord will be two weeks). The third apartment tenants and ourselves are still trying to get out though. After two years here, we are SO done with this place... And the third apt. tenants have been here way longer.
So there ya go. July so far... Wow, I didn't really expect it to be a novel... Basically, ya got two mini blogs, that would have been expanded, that I meant to write weeks ago PLUS whatever else I woulda blogged this week... Hope I didn't bore you TOO much.
I'll try to keep this more up to date with more stuff than fluff in the future.... But ya know me. 
wow, you've been in that aparment for two years...it doesn't seem that long, but looking back, a lot has happened.
Posted by sarah on 23 Jul 06 Sunday - 5:49 PM